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TyroneFuckinFootball t1_je0t5xc wrote

This is not exactly true. Otherwise you wouldn’t have any suits based on quantum meruit. You can’t accept goods/services that generally cost money, then say “you never told me the price so I don’t have to pay.” Assuming the price is reasonable and in line with what other entities charge for something similar, that argument isn’t going to work for OP.


Cindexxx t1_je2ngrt wrote

Records don't "generally cost money". My records are all online for free. I can get them faxed to another clinic for free. I could see printing them costing money though.

I could see OP getting out of this if he never accessed the records. But even if he doesn't pay it's just a few $ medical debt.


Ozmorty t1_je1voag wrote

Not sure in this case, if things have played out as described by OP. The site said “may be a charge” - if there was no way directly on that portal to see what those charges might amount to, he could argue the costs away successfully.