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FirstFarmOnTheLeft t1_jdcr7b8 wrote

You messed up, yes. She messed up, too. Talk to your wife. Both of you need to put everything on the table and have a very honest conversation. If you both can do that, you’ll know if this marriage is salvageable. If it is, couples therapy will almost certainly need to be part of the solution b/c trust has been violated by both of you.

People on Reddit always jump to ‘get divorced’ but this is your life, it’s worth at least trying to have a real conversation with your wife as a next step. If she won’t take it seriously and make the effort, then you’ll know it’s too far gone to save.


[deleted] OP t1_jdcrqzf wrote

That's what I'm hoping what happens, she is not a open person so I hope this time she is. Ikr always divorce and get a lowery now. True true