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EvilCeleryStick t1_jebcfwk wrote

Are they now, every single one of them are?


jinbtown t1_jebf42e wrote

the profession revolves around being a scumbag. You can't be a realtor, do your job, and not be a scumbag. The entire industry is predicated on predatory behavior and lying to clients.


EvilCeleryStick t1_jebfwjg wrote

Lying to clients? That's be illegal. Not to mention (having worked in a real estate office, while not being a realtor), that isn't standard practice at all. If your agent lies to you, you can sue them. Where are the millions of lawsuits citing such cases?

Realtors aren't even allowed to lie to other realtors, at most they can omit unless specifically asked.


Droidlivesmatter t1_jeboo2p wrote

I worked in the backend (finance) of real estate brokerages (3 different ones)

So so many lawsuits. (Good luck proving it. Lawsuits happen, many real estate agents have liability insurance.) Actually, there was a 9% increase of lawsuits in the USA from 2021 to 2022 against agents and brokers.

I've seen such scummy behavior and I've worked with over 400 agents in multiple brokerages. The top performers who sold the most? Two faced people who lie and cheat their way for profits.

They get sued yep. Often gets dismissed. I've seen them get penalties from the real estate boards.. which are a fraction of the commission. They get a $25,000 commission from a sale. They get hit with a $5000 fine. Cost of doing business still made $20,000.


EvilCeleryStick t1_jebuyp6 wrote

9% increase. From 75 to 82? From 10,000 to 10900? What are we talking about here?

The guy I'm talking to says all realtors, no exceptions.

I would argue that some realtors are scummy. This is true for most professions. I would also argue that most realtors are not scumbags. They might be bad to deal with (as another agent, inside the office etc) but I bet more of their clients are happy with the results they deliver than arent and had to sue them. Or they wouldn't be a top agent.

It's spurious to suggest that all realtors are lying scum when we know there are some, but it's not a majority.


jinbtown t1_jebi5xu wrote

lol they tell you an open house is to find potential buyers, when it's to actually find new clients for them. they tell you that it's in your best interest to use their home inspector, who gives them a kickback and hides issues. they tell you that it's a sellers market if you're selling and they say it's a buyer's market if you're buying. They tell you that you NEED to have a realtor even in a market where the average on-market time is 15 days. They literally lie through their teeth. "i worked in a real estate office" no wonder you're defending that entire fucked up den of losers and thieves. Fuck the entire industry. I've bought every house I've owned without a realtor saving me tens of thousands of dollars EACH TIME. We don't have realtors when we sell a used car, you don't need a realtor to sell a house.


llamassassin t1_jebsbka wrote

It sounds like you just have bad info or bad experiences. We had to buy our house sight unseen with only virtual walkthroughs. Our realtor was extremely honest and pointed out every potential issue, even stuff we wouldn't have noticed since it was online (like if a house smelled funny). We had a great experience and knew exactly what we were getting into. I don't doubt there are shady realtors and groups out there but it's dangerous to paint any group of people with such a broad brush.


jinbtown t1_jebv6uz wrote

so dangerous! thanks for that insightful comment /s


kyledanna t1_jebqph8 wrote

only on reddit is every single profession just a profession full of scumbags and liars

such depressed people on this site lol


jinbtown t1_jebr41u wrote

i work for an electrical engineering company and my coworkers are the most wonderful, giving, kind, helpful people you can imagine. Realtors are scumbags.


kyledanna t1_jebraly wrote

electrical engineers are a bunch of scam artists and scumbags bro. I had a bad experience with one of them therefore they’re all absolute trash. The entire profession is predicated on scamming and bad business practices, you can’t do the job of an electric engineer without being a total scumbag


jinbtown t1_jebvi7l wrote

haven't met many that are, and the entire industry is predicated on moving technology and world forward for the betterment of humanity. For example, the group I'm in develops hardware to service equipment using the latest refrigerants for air conditioning systems. We do work to help lower GWP of refrigerant technologies, come up with systems and solutions that lower the amount of escaped refrigerant, make technicians lives and jobs easier and safer. That's how it's supposed to work. If you did the job, you'd quickly realize that no one is in it for the glory haha. There's none to be had.


kyledanna t1_jeby0zv wrote

nah sorry bro you’re a scumbag and all electrical engineers are scumbags. Trust me, I know one that did a scumbag thing so I know all you guys are scumbags


jinbtown t1_jec13vq wrote

but you don't tho. that's the difference.


EvilCeleryStick t1_jebjlv2 wrote

In my jurisdiction, the realtor would have to have the client sign a document indicating they received a kickback on an inspector referral if there is one. Of course, preparing documents for realtors I've never done one of those. It's more likely that the inspector works with them often and they have trust. Also it's industry practice to suggest you use your own home inspector and at most provide a name if asked for one (do you have any you recommend? "I've before worked with xyz and it worked out").

Open houses are 99% the client expectation. Nobody wants to work an open house. Usually open houses are only to placate anxious sellers, as they view it as "part of the job". I've never known a realtor to push an open house, and often they end up paying junior agents to cover them since they don't accomplish anything except a 1% chance the junior agent could end up with a buyer client.

Also, when buying, you don't pay a dollar in real estate fees, so you saved $0 by doing it yourself. Congrats. Seller pays both realtors, when they use one. If you want to sell a house without a realtor, have at it. If you can market it yourself and make sure you have all your ducks in a row when it comes time to sign the offer, not miss any latent defect disclosures and meet all the other requirements, then great!