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dedriuslol t1_jbj3u3q wrote

If you are doing 50 reps of something in a set, you might as well just be doing cardio. It would be very inefficient to do that many reps in a set.

3 or 4 sets of 8-12 reps per set is a normal range for a beginner.


dracomalfoy85 t1_jbj4630 wrote

β€œ50 is crazy, do 24-48 reps” 😜


dedriuslol t1_jbj4q2h wrote

When someone says "If something doesn't tire you out after 50 reps..." They typically mean in a set. Otherwise, how would anyone know if you mean 1 set of 50 reps or 10 sets of 5 reps?

Also, 24 total reps per exercise is still very different than 50 lol.


dracomalfoy85 t1_jbj9yhp wrote

I was joking, thus the face. Get the difference homie.
