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Substantial_Trip5674 t1_jbjf56e wrote

I treat the gym like a treat the woodshop: humbly. Good lesson to learn early, glad you're ok.


123DCP t1_jbm53ok wrote

A gym that scared me as much as my table saw is a gym I would not enter. My saw is 2,500 pounds of sadistic malice.


Substantial_Trip5674 t1_jbm9e9c wrote

Precisely, though! You can be in a woodshop with tools and machines you have no business/experience/training using the same way you could in a gym. Just use the ones you're familiar with and don't cause a scene. Though I would love to see your saw, furthermore flatter your use of vocabulary as I add "sadistic malice" to my own thank you.


123DCP t1_jbnfuly wrote

I love old massive tools, but mine needs a little refurbishment to be worth showing off. It works fine, but has some discoloration from superficial rust,it would be nice to replace the bearings on the sliding table, some paint wouldn't hurt, etc.


Substantial_Trip5674 t1_jbo48ra wrote

The shop I go to (Makerspace if there's one near you) just adopted this industrial metal cutting bandsaw from the 1920's. It is at LEAST 1000 pounds, 10' tall has all the same charming characteristics you described of your own saw, and works well. It seems like a piece of machinery that was never supposed to be moved once it was placed, but it is a marvel just to be in its presence.