I've had a pellet rifle sitting in my kitchen since this summer because the last time I tried to use it, the pellet wouldn't fire out of the barrel. I assumed the firing mechanism was just clogged up from not using it for years. I had tinkered with it a little bit in the summer but never got it working quite right so I just set it down and figured I'd look at it later. Fast forward to today I decided that I would take a look at it again. I cocked it which involves basically folding it in half and when I looked at the preach it did not appear to be loaded but I admittedly did not check it that closely. I closed it up and then stuck my left index finger over the end of the barrel and pulled the trigger to test to see if it had any pressure like I had done several times over the summer. When I failed to realize is that there was a pellet in the barrel and it decided to work properly this time. The pellet went right into my finger and watched itself under my nail. I went to urgent Care and they wouldn't remove it and said I need to see a hand surgeon.
Tldr: I didn't check the barrel of a pellet gun thoroughly and shot a pellet into my finger.
LandOfLostSouls t1_it5tgxz wrote
Ayyyy I saw your post on r/wellthatsucks