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dixiebelle64 t1_itzksq1 wrote

What about a place that will actively use and greatly appreciate your donation like a domestic violence shelter? Women leaving abusive situations do not always have time to grab things. Or is there a trans teen shelter in your area? They always need things for kids who get kicked out of their homes for who they are.

Goodwill does good things, but so many of their donations are trashed it isnt funny. Among other organizational defects.


wiedmaier t1_iu24vfv wrote

Contact your local youth homeless shelter. I used to run a drop in center for youth experiencing honelessness and nobody EVER donated bras, so when we got them they were gold.


AngrySchnitzels89 t1_iu2v3im wrote

Not me, remembering the time I was 14 and homeless.. I was in a neighbourhood that had bags of donations out the front of their homes, ready for pick up.. I cried when I found a bra and it fit me. Still needed safety pins but luckily I had some. Wore that bra for nearly two years, patching it up when it broke and I had a needle and thread.


AngrySchnitzels89 t1_iu2v700 wrote

And thanks for reminding me of where to send mine. I bought a few online and don’t fit. I’ll be sending them off tomorrow.


diverareyouok t1_iu1qkuv wrote

u/MistorMiss - this is a great idea. Goodwill is probably going to trash a lot of the stuff, so why don’t you give it to a battered women shelter to help victims of domestic violence rebuild their lives?


MistorMiss OP t1_iu2yedi wrote

I had been searching but was finding articles with big name donation organizations of other states. I just searched "shelter donations near me", and found many places. Thanks, I will look into those.