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Isgortio t1_ixwb6e4 wrote

Your parents are shit parents, you've outlined it right here. They deserve to have CPS called on them, and if you're old enough to work you're probably old enough to go somewhere without your parents and take your younger sibling with you. Obviously it'll be difficult with school and working, but it's an option they'd look at if they were to remove you both from the household.


Throwaway2756655101 OP t1_ixx4b1w wrote

My issue is that rent is extremely expensive where I’m at, with 1 bedrooms starting at $1000+ if you’re lucky enough. I want to move away, but I just can’t


Isgortio t1_ixyryub wrote

I had the same issue, so I moved 3.5 hours away from my parents. Are you able to do a house share or something?