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t1_ivxb05x wrote

Not sure where you are, but your blood donation materials are seriously lacking. Here they advise you not to drink for 1-2 days ideally, and certainly not 2 hours after donating (!!!) regardless of how much you've eaten.

People, dont be this guy. When you donate, dont drink the same day - simple as!


t1_ivxz3tl wrote

I've seen 8 hours but also know the key is to drink little alcohol the day before, if any, and eat and drink as much as you can before snd after your appointment. I have s blood disorder that requires removal of around 500mls about every three months. To make it successful and less pain i follow these rules. Plus minimal exercise or activity the day of. It really does make a difference


t1_ivykbad wrote

What exactly is responsible for such a dramatic reaction?


t1_ivz32vh wrote

I would guess that since you donate 10% of your blood when you donate, your BAC is way higher, way faster? Coupled with the trauma of losing so much blood and trying to build it back? Just some guesses though.


t1_iw0unhr wrote

Those are good guesses. Your body doesn't replace the missing blood right away, takes some time for the bones to churn out new blood cells.