dead-memories t1_ixfv7a8 wrote
thank you for saying this!!! this really resonates with me. it’s something that I can’t take back, but now I guess I have closure!
DamonDD t1_ixg0va3 wrote
Nice profile picture of Suoh Tamaki. All the best and hope you find love and end up happily like Haruhi and Tamaki
Mantraversial t1_ixg137h wrote
Thank you for this. You have a great way with words and telling a story. You'll be fine. You seem like an incredible person and will find happiness and love. Keep being awesome and take care.
Korgon213 t1_ixg3myj wrote
Dude, I wished I had talked to so many crushes back in high school. It’s better to know than to wonder what if. Don’t let fear run your life.
ChainmailleAddict t1_ixg4gvr wrote
Cutting off all contact because someone confesses their feelings is a complete dick move. I have a hunch that you're way better than you think you are and that he's way worse than you think he is, and that that was intentional on his part. I dealt with something similar back in high school. I hope things go well, sincerely, and thank you for sharing.
Swedenesebishhh69 t1_ixg7wn6 wrote
you never know down the road ypu may run into him again, things might be different after highschool.
Chengus t1_ixg8ild wrote
You miss 100% of the shots you dont take
Could you have held it in and remained as a good friend? The affection and love boiling inside of you, unable to be released or reciprocated?
Some things just don't work out. And that's okay. After Summer comes comes the cold dark winter, but eventually, the skies turn blue and beautiful again. Just like the seasons roll by, so will mew, beautiful people. Appreciate them
Same-Comedian7451 t1_ixga5bh wrote
This is so beautifully written I love it sm. It felt like I was reading an award winning book
TrashBoyGold t1_ixgbdz4 wrote
I usually hate most TIFU posts but I’m really sorry
You’ll move on, and you’ll look back fondly on your time with him.
I had a similar love story although I’m gay, and so I never ended up confessing but I’m sure it would’ve played out similarly.
How long has it been since you messaged him? Maybe he’s processing it still? I don’t expect him to reciprocate but maybe he’ll accept it and still be friends with you.
Knowing he doesn’t feel the same way, you can at least get a sense of closure. You had an idealistic version of him in your mind, and hopefully you can move past it now.
TrashBoyGold t1_ixgbl7g wrote
Even if you delete wish you the best of luck. Reminded me of how I fell into an unrequited love in high school. An amazing feeling reflecting on it even though nothing came of it.
Your confession was not a mistake.
Jack_Bleesus t1_ixgeosi wrote
You did good, and I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. It doesn't feel like it now, but there's going to be someone out there for you who will make you feel just as complete as he did, and he'll (or she'll) mean to do it too. Keep your chin up, this was a win for you even if it doesn't feel like it.
Dessidiri t1_ixghin2 wrote
Nah, better to cut contact and bring the opportunity of closure than making someone to wait seven years, hoping that maybe someday they can receive a chance to date you.
AidanBubbles t1_ixgkjuz wrote
Honey I was Summer, my best friend Rachel was you. Your story brought back so many memories for me. Don’t take this personally, he probably really does love you. I’m going to go out on a limb and say Summer could very well be gay, I know that’s how things ended up with Rachel and I (although she recently just came out herself). For what it’s worth, we’re still incredibly close 20 years later, and love one another probably even more than we did 20 years ago. Don’t be so hard on yourself, I have a feeling things will be ok.
SavedMist36005 t1_ixgtmp6 wrote
I’m so scared that this is gonna happen to me soon….
PurpleStabsPixel t1_ixh0gwv wrote
This is sad to hear and you also can see this isn't one sided. You're in high-school, you'll find someone else. 1 boy isn't the end of your journey. There will be plenty of more summer.
DreadedSupalion t1_ixh3z8y wrote
I used to be you in high school and let me just tell you, Summer is either gay or actually in love with you but scared because he's afraid of what other people would think if he made a move on you. It's your first experience with this sort of thing and it's always the first that's the harderest to get over but let me tell you: When you finally meet someone who isn't ashamed to like you for who you are and is proud to be with you, Summer will fade into the background. One day, you'll probably be embarrassed and wonder why you even liked him so much. I had a friend do this to me and I later found out that he really liked me but didn't want to get shit from his friends for liking the only brown girl in our whole group of friends. So trust me when I say, he's not taking you seriously for some superficial reason.
Worldly_Ad_6243 t1_ixh6c63 wrote
OP I'm in a similar situation. I've kinda fallen for a female friend of mine 💀 She's on reddit so I won't give too many details but yeah... don't know what to do...
Logthephilosoraptor t1_ixh8gxu wrote
This is beautiful and you did the right thing.
teachersecret t1_ixhgfng wrote
Happens to all of us. This is a deeply human experience :).
And it’s an experience we must have… because it comes at the cusp of every serious romantic relationship that you will ever have. We must make the leap of faith because it’s the only way to get to the other side of friendship.
If you never take the leap, you will never know. Knowing can hurt, but hanging on wishing hurts even more. Eventually they’ll meet someone else and it’s going to feel awful, and when you break down, they’ll tell you they wish you’d said something sooner.
That’s not to say being friends is bad, if a friend is what you want… but if you find yourself wishing for more, try. Buy the ticket. Take the ride. Worst case, you know the feeling isn’t mutual and you’ll be able to move forward in finding someone who cares as much as you do.
Will that ruin a friendship? Maybe. Is the potential to live your dreams worth it? Of course. Maybe you’ll get everything you hoped for.
And if it doesn’t work out… it’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be angry, sad, and hurt. Those are the moments that make the blue sky shine just a little brighter the next time you see it. You will find someone who cares about you just as much, but you will only find that person if you’re looking for them.
ChainmailleAddict t1_ixhhplh wrote
I mean, definitely, but the fact that he didn't even try to make the friendship work, in conjunction with how OP idolizes him and doesn't like herself makes me think there's a chance something fishy is going on.
I'm really, REALLY stretching, but he could've basically considered her a toy, for easy worship, and the love confession showed that the toy is now broken. Some emotionally-manipulative people are really like that.
_Blackstar t1_ixhie7h wrote
High school love is such a weird thing. Hormones and neurotransmitters are firing on all cylinders, a lack of experience leads to a lot of hesitation and "what if" thoughts, and it ends up being either the best time of your life or the worst...there is no in-between.
Not that the words of an internet stranger matter, but I'm proud of you for being brave enough to take a chance and see what would happen. And for what it's worth, things get easier; your body will take a chill pill and you'll have experience like this one to fall back on, that will help immensely in dealing with new life events as they happen. Personally I hated being a teenager. If you feel that way too, just know it does get better.
Smirkydarkdude t1_ixhjudr wrote
" I’ll never get to hear that voice"
Never say never. Life is long. And short. But also long.
nick_shannon t1_ixhpjb9 wrote
Kudos for having the courage to take a shot in the face of possible dissapointment.
Thats really brave and now you can go on and know that you havent missed something and you dont have one that got away.
Vast_Reflection t1_ixhzcxg wrote
This is beautifully written. I hope you continue writing.
skullhedfacedood t1_ixhze7x wrote
I’m kinda in a similar situation where i find myself falling in love with my really close friend and I’m what passes for an adult. Good on ya for trying, i don’t think have the guts to try anything with my situation because i don’t want to lose an otherwise really great friend by being what i consider selfish.
zabestsmure t1_ixnm7gd wrote
No honestly you did what’s normal, shooting your shot. It’s better for you to have done it and y’all never talk again than for you to never have done it and continuing to bottle it up
dead-memories t1_ixfqlwz wrote
Poured my heart into this, probably gonna delete it when I get embarrassed lol. Sorry it’s so long