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StygianPrime t1_ix02pzv wrote

Maybe, maybe, maybe...

Don't have sex at your grandparents' house. I can't believe I have to say this.



snoop_bacon t1_ix3hb0g wrote

It's just sex, they weren't doing heroin. Maybe their relative should have the decency to knock and wait for a response like an adult


StygianPrime t1_ix3l5tl wrote

Hang on a second here. Having sex? Not a big deal. Having sex in the house with other family around?

Kind of fucked up. This is a TIFU. Even the OP realizes they fucked up. If you can't see that, I kind of question your common sense. I can't imagine being horny in my grandparents' house and willing to act on the horny right then and there.


pereira325 t1_ix3whaf wrote

It's a family event imagine you've got younger cousins or children about. Imagine they're playing hide and seek because they're bored and they stumble into your room where you're doing the dirty?! Hell Imagine anyone's playing hide and seek and finds you. I wouldn't even knock on a door which is closed, I'd just open it not expecting anyone to be in there... because why would they?! Lack of self-control means this was a total deserved FU.


StygianPrime t1_ix6m9ph wrote

Right? I'm hoping this person is a teenager, but I've known plenty of 20-somethings that would make decisions this.... questionable.

In what world is getting hot and heavy with your girlfriend in the same house as all of your still-awake-relatives a good idea?