Submitted by throwingfast144 t3_z72czs in tifu

So this happened two days ago and I really messed up. I(22m) asked out my best friend(21f) while extremely drunk. My best friend let's call her F has been my best friend since sophomore year in highschool. I learned she had feelings for me when I was 17, she told me but decided to stay friends. She was crazy reserved and around that time I was dating my ex(22f). Me and my ex been been together for years but long story short life happens, we broke up, she went to college, I went to college, we all went to college surprisingly. So the other day when back from college I went to a party with my buddy and us together is the worse combo. He encouraged me to hit up my ex who is his friend. I told her I regret how I treated her in the past, I was toxic I cheated and treated her terribly. I already know I'm a dick for that and that's why I'm throwingaway. So after one year apart my buddy says I should hit her up while we are fucked up and I agreed. I may have been terrible but I loved her and she gives the stand offsh, "what do you want". So I drive fully drunk to her house(never drink and drive)and I start knocking on her door. She obviously knows im drunk and opens the door. Anyways despite her mother's hatred of me we hangout in her room. After talking about college I kissed her and one thing lead to another and we do the deed. While laying on her carpet I hit up my best friend who is also around. She knows how I am when drunk so to justify my bad feelings she knew it was coming. Anyways I drive to her house which her mom also hates me but her dad loves me wth. We talk between my car and her porch. I remember asking her "what would happen if were a couple in highschool" and then I kissed her. Yes she pulled me off of her so I drove home drunk and jeez. I woke up the next night to my best friend asking me "Wait what did you mean last night" and my ex asking "I'll see you soon". My ex is crazy and that scares ne but I'm fully in love with her. Not to mention they are friends aswell but they aren't as close since istarted dating my ex. All of this worries me I didn't reply and it's 12 the next day here. I kinda like the feeling but I know everything I did was wrong in the same way. Also I'm so in love with my ex that I wanna go to her house rn it hurts.

TL;DR: I asked my bestfriend out after being with my ex that I love and now I don't know what to say.



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ummmm--no t1_iy4bg7j wrote

good god - I'm not sure the title fully explains the soap opera buried in this! Whew! I'm exhausted just reading it. But it sounds like a lifetime movie may be in your future.


pogiguy2020 t1_iy4buon wrote

No prison when he kills someone driving drunk.


throwingfast144 OP t1_iy4ee6u wrote

Imma get help for drinking but their house was like right down the road. No excuse but still not the worse.


pogiguy2020 t1_iy4lenj wrote

right down the road as in should have walked it or took an Uber/Lyft


throwingfast144 OP t1_iy4eppn wrote

Well maybe start with the bestfriend situation. I think it's most important to me since we are pretty close. I know imma get reamed for the drinking.


pogiguy2020 t1_iy4brfd wrote

The first thing you need to do is get help with your drinking problem. yes it is a problem since you drove drunk twice without care for anyone else safety. Stop before you kill someone.

You need to tell your friend you are an idiot and tell her the truth and I am sure that will solve it with her. She deserves someone much better than you.

You should go back to your crazy EX I think you both deserve each other.

Honestly get help before your life really goes down the drain. You are going to kill someone it is only a matter of time.


throwingfast144 OP t1_iy4e5hy wrote

What should I even tell her though. And yes ik the driving part is bad imma work on that.


pogiguy2020 t1_iy4lbi0 wrote

The toughest thing possible. Its called the truth if you are man enough. tell her you had sex with your ex because you still have feelings for her.

You cannot undead someone so just stop driving when drunk. There are Uber/Lyfts etc