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ummmm--no t1_iy4bg7j wrote

good god - I'm not sure the title fully explains the soap opera buried in this! Whew! I'm exhausted just reading it. But it sounds like a lifetime movie may be in your future.


pogiguy2020 t1_iy4buon wrote

No prison when he kills someone driving drunk.


throwingfast144 OP t1_iy4ee6u wrote

Imma get help for drinking but their house was like right down the road. No excuse but still not the worse.


pogiguy2020 t1_iy4lenj wrote

right down the road as in should have walked it or took an Uber/Lyft


throwingfast144 OP t1_iy4eppn wrote

Well maybe start with the bestfriend situation. I think it's most important to me since we are pretty close. I know imma get reamed for the drinking.