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Unlikely_Ad_7030 t1_iw6x0df wrote

Dear beloved It is with my deepest condolences and a bit of blood in my mouth that I write to you now, to inform you that I am in fact not safely within my abode, but rather curled up in a ditch just off I95. You need not come to my rescue, as the mud here is actually quite comfortable and the homeless vagrants are good company. From your favorite corpse to be, Susan


TolMera t1_iw72h8a wrote

Baldrick: “But did he really have to dot the I with his kidney?”

Black Adder: “No Baldrick; I think it just kind of… fell there.”


Salt-Firefighter-194 t1_iwaaq0g wrote

There is almost an identical conversation in Red Dwarf.

Cat: "What I don't understand is why he went through the trouble of using his kidney as a full stop.."

Rimmer: "I don't think he meant to do that, it probably just..ploped out"


TolMera t1_iwac4bz wrote

The black adder quote is made up, because I knew I had heard this on a show somewhere, and google was not yielding any results for “killed write blood kidney skit”

Thank you for telling me where I had this joke in my head from. Damn Red Dwarf was good


Salt-Firefighter-194 t1_iwacg17 wrote

It's one of my favorites and I have like 7 seasons on Google TV. This episode is Psirens. Just watched it last night lol. Always love meeting other Dwarfers.


TolMera t1_iwack32 wrote

Rimmers world always gives me a giggle.

And the double Polaroid haha


Salt-Firefighter-194 t1_iwacpxn wrote

Yes! Did you know they actually did a pilot once for an American version? It was awful!


TolMera t1_iwacyhe wrote

I did not know, I imagine it’s somewhere in the bowels of YouTube?

If you have not, checking out Orville is worth it, another space comedy


JellyfishGod t1_iw9ypwx wrote

I may just start ending all my emails and letters with that last line “from your favorite corpse to be, jellyfishgod”