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Mafste t1_iwwiuk2 wrote

I wouldn't tell her, she might make another connection you just got freed from. Ignorance is bliss.


ArnoldSchnitzel t1_iwwjkqj wrote

Maybe she just likes that kissing you no longer tastes like kissing an ashtray...


matskat t1_iwwjpus wrote

"I have come to the conclusion that I somehow transfer nicotine to her through saliva and have inadvertently gotten her addicted to it. "


Not a chance hombre. Weird flex tho. You just wanted to post that you kiss girls. Admit it.

Kids are weird.


Legitimate_Pirate249 t1_iwwltva wrote

She probably is just happy it doesn't taste like shit when she kisses you now brother


CuteBostonian t1_iwwmehv wrote

If he’s kissing her with a nicotine mint in his mouth when they’re kissing (he says he has one constantly, including during fun time), of course she’s getting the nicotine from it too


haksli t1_iwwn5fk wrote

Well, at least you haven't pushed a thumb up her asshole.


rexpimpwagen t1_iwwnj1l wrote

You should delete this because someone fucked up could get ideas from this.


barnes116 t1_iwwnmfa wrote

Ah, the old nicotine mint under the foreskin technique, one of my faves


Relevant-Code-1920 t1_iwwo4j2 wrote

I think you shouldn't tell her because I'm glad she's showing affection for you because a lot of people don't like cigarette breath sorry and maybe she really likes to smell of your mint you're using


SeigiNoTenshi t1_iwwotxq wrote

If this is true (the hypothesis, not the story), this is the funniest thing I've heard in a while 😅


Sentsuizan t1_iwwptty wrote

Maybe you just don't taste like a Newport anymore OP


Jersey_76 t1_iwwqjv6 wrote

Do NOT tell her bro, it’s a bad idea, just saying … she’s most likely gonna be pissed at you and blame you for her new habit and addiction to nicotine … -Jersey©️


iamtheband t1_iwwr9ca wrote

y'all... how do you think nicotine mints work? tell her. she's addicted to a substance and actively suffering from it (getting fidgety as a result of withdrawal), no matter how innocently she came by it. you owe that to her.

now, hopefully she has a good sense of humor and won't really care (I wouldn't), but I do think she has a right to know.


badpandaunicorns t1_iwwsc51 wrote

I think you need to tell her Op. On the bright side you both now get to go cold turkey before Thanksgiving or should I call it kissgiving


KruppeTheWise t1_iwwt1l3 wrote

"Give me the damn nicotine you bastard"

Starts undoing trousers

"This is really low you know getting me to suck your dick like this"

"But baby, tonight the chemist gave me the suppository version"

Cutaway from trainspotting intensifies


Poemang94 t1_iwwtdbf wrote

That...that's not how that works. Lol


Uhhhrobots t1_iwwtrs7 wrote

If you have a mint in your mouth during kissing, it's possible. Especially if you were a heavy user and are on the highest strength mints. But it probably wouldn't linger in your saliva for long after. Or she is just enjoying your fresher breath.


MrRogersAE t1_iwwtxiv wrote

I too find it highly unlikely that he could transfer enough nicotine laced saliva to her to get her addicted, I feel like it would be more likely for her to get hooked on his second hand smoke


rezmeihaveghorn t1_iwx0q6v wrote

I don’t know, this is one of those questions that keeps me up at night, I like to think it’s nice feeling, like happiness, but deeper and more concentrated.

I can only speculate and wonder as to what it’s like, as can many others, It truly is a sad world we live in more-so for some than others but that’s just how it is.

What is love though? Is it something we all deserve? Or is it meant only for a few? I would say that I hope it’s for all of us to enjoy, but I don’t believe that’s the case.

Does it only exist because we all collectively believe it does? Is it nothing more than a social construct that gets its hooks too deep into our minds and emotions?

What a question, “what is love?” I’m not sure what it is, but hopefully one day I have my answer.


matskat t1_iwx1yk6 wrote

Bro I'm twice married and with kids, lolol. My kids are probably older than you and OP...

OP is probably a child and made the whole post up.

Reeks of r/thathappend
