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AngelxEyez t1_iyd6cea wrote

Simple communication mistake! The real tifu was you missed out on giving Celine, your fav colleague a gift!

Also the best when you get someone you actually like!


GlassEyeMV t1_iyfdvvj wrote

Getting someone you want is absolutely the best. I got my admin assistant one year when I knew she was struggling a bit. I also knew exactly what she wanted for Christmas - new bread pans. She was a great baker, but had recently found out she was gluten intolerant and her old loaf pans were wearing out. I found a 2 loaf, 2 sheet, Bundt package and then 5lbs of almond flour. It was a little over the limit, but not a crazy amount. And she was SOOO happy. The first thing she made with them was a loaf of banana bread for me. So so good.