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Pwydde t1_iwhj7ri wrote

My ex and I were on a road trip through Appalachia many years ago. We stopped at a diner for a pick-me-up. In our bland upper mid-west accent, we ordered two coffees and some French fried potatoes. It went like this:

Me: “Two coffees and a plate of fries, please.”

Waitress: “A plate of fries?”

Me: “Yes. A plate of fries.”

Waitress pours the coffee and goes to put the order in. She returns minutes later with a scoop of white rice on a saucer. Ex and I look at it, then up at waitress in confusion.

She repeats our order “plate of raahss.” Sounded exactly like “plate uh fries”. I said it again with decent annunciation. We laughed and got on the same page.

I had swallowed the “f” in “of”. Then there was the difference between midwestern and southern vowel sounds.