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uninvitedfriend t1_iwgouhj wrote

I bet at least one of them thinks you're a cat fucker


dgz345 t1_iwgsllf wrote

Well now you have a joke that you can say only works if you are bilingual.


allozzieadventures t1_iwgwohb wrote

I think to lift the curse you have to go down on a Polish woman, then look up and tell her you eat cats.

Please report back with your findings.


whooo_me t1_iwgx349 wrote

Ok, to be safe; you might want to hold off on the "Polish the Bishop" jokes...


SquidgyB t1_iwgyrun wrote

Not so much "lost" in translation as we all know very well what it means...

I am British, and I have a few Hungarian friends.

As ever when meeting people from different cultures, we learned some of their swear words, re-appropriated them, and now use a particular word as a replacement for "cheers!" when out drinking.

The word we've been shouting enthusiastically is "Tagezi!". Which apparently means "[you] piece of cum!".


PassoutPierce t1_iwgysri wrote

You're be gonna in real big shit when cat that goes missing "where's fluffy..? The American..."


DarthArtero t1_iwh6sd5 wrote

I actually really miss my time in Poland. The Polish troops were some of the chillest people I’ve ever met. We were stationed on a base that trained new recruits in artillery, so we got to watch the newbies train and grow.

Probably shouldn’t have to say this but I will; please don’t post your exact location in public forums. I’ve known several soldiers who did that in my unit, only for em to get reamed when the command found out


Budasaur89 t1_iwh7u27 wrote

most poles suck fat poles so I wouldn't worry about it. it was probably good advice for the trash.


Trick-Landscape5581 t1_iwh8h3v wrote

This was several years ago when I was still learning Spanish to talk to my partner's family. I didn't notice, and apparently he didn't either. There are different slang words in different parts of Mexico. I guess I should've figured that, but how could I ever have guessed that I was telling our friend that we were having dick for dinner?


bajan_queen_bee t1_iwh8iuo wrote

Don't feel bad.. that's a hoot.

My dear friend was in Nepal part of Peace Corps.. Having dinner with his host family. He thought he was becoming skilled in local language.

They asked him.. what he liked to do at night.. He said read.. he could read 3 or 4 hours every night.

Infact most Americans like to read. They read on trains, planes, most anywhere.

The father looked at he Said so u really like to read??

Oh yes.

It's was at that time a son.. light bulb lite.

Then said.. U know u just told my father u like to fart and can fart for 3 or 4 hours.

And all Americans like to fart.



Budasaur89 t1_iwh9u2x wrote

Don't worry about it. I'm personally a sucker for history and war crimes. Certain things are unforgivable. Many were more than happy to comply, and it wasn't new to them... :)


almgergo t1_iwhafyp wrote

Just a small correction, it is written "Te [you] geci [cum]", but your spelling is closer to how you'd pronounce it as an english speaker. Otherwise cheers!


Budasaur89 t1_iwhdvbm wrote

nope, go learn the history. It wasnt just one or a few people. It is what it is. and it was heinous. Go actually take just a few minutes to look for yourself.


Budasaur89 t1_iwhg0zx wrote

saying everyone has sinned or everyone is guilty just waters down the point. it's a coping mechanism used to (not purposefully) rationalize the, again, heinous behavior. Countries are not guilty. Individual people are. And there were thousands of individual monsters in Poland. Go learn, I'm sure they will happily deny or ignore it. This wasn't that long ago, this was based on pure demonic hatred and blood-lust or something worse.


Pwydde t1_iwhj7ri wrote

My ex and I were on a road trip through Appalachia many years ago. We stopped at a diner for a pick-me-up. In our bland upper mid-west accent, we ordered two coffees and some French fried potatoes. It went like this:

Me: “Two coffees and a plate of fries, please.”

Waitress: “A plate of fries?”

Me: “Yes. A plate of fries.”

Waitress pours the coffee and goes to put the order in. She returns minutes later with a scoop of white rice on a saucer. Ex and I look at it, then up at waitress in confusion.

She repeats our order “plate of raahss.” Sounded exactly like “plate uh fries”. I said it again with decent annunciation. We laughed and got on the same page.

I had swallowed the “f” in “of”. Then there was the difference between midwestern and southern vowel sounds.


andrewdroid t1_iwhln7n wrote

Thinking about it, its not far from Hungarians to simply say something similar instead of cheers while drinking. If its an especially good night, people quickly get hung upon some word or expressio and that kinda will replace cheers lol.


Coreus88 t1_iwhmd8g wrote

Thats alright, i once told a few people i needed to pee when I meant I needed to go home. Tagalog language "Umuwi" is to go home, "Umihi" is to pee. I said "Kailangan Naming Umihi" rather than "Kailangan Naming Umuwi"


MrNoOne195 t1_iwhnp0z wrote

If you want to abuse someone say "tea who you yeah bunny" it will come out as "Ty chuju jebany" which means "you fucking dick". Multiple profanities are probably only good aspect of polish language.


Incendas1 t1_iwhphke wrote

Stuff like this is always different. In Czech goats are also tits. In English I suppose it's a bird as well.


spacecowboy420aj t1_iwhpt8z wrote

I don't think that's down to south american slang, I assume you were having chicken and said "polla" rather than "pollo", easily done, I've asked for a dick burrito in a mexican restaurant by accident before luckily the waiter found it hilarious.


s_in_progress t1_iwhqi7m wrote

Oof, this brings back a memory. In college I was volunteering with a family who really only spoke my second language, which I was still learning at the time. One day, I was helping the kids with their homework, and their mom had friends over- they kept saying one phrase kinda frequently and laughing, so my idiot ass thought it was a joke! (I had a co volunteer with me too, so she’s also culpable in this.)

Next morning, we walk into class and our professor was looking like his usual jovial self so I told him this “joke,” and his face, just, fell. We weren’t suppose to speak in English in this class, but he switched to it specifically to tell me to never say it again.

Guys. I had called my wonderful, kind, gentle (literally my favorite) professor some kind of a little bitch. This was in Arabic, and swears hit way different in Arabic. When I finally got around to asking the TA about it, I was absolutely mortified.


samanthuhh t1_iwhrt79 wrote

Bert Kreischer (I always mangle the spelling of his surname but google will be a bro and help you out) does a bit about the Russian mob that is strikingly similar, watch the full "I am the machine" show, there's a story that will resonate with you!


spacecowboy420aj t1_iwhuiic wrote

oh that must be colloquial to the region you were in, I thought the word Tinga originated in Mexico due to the dish being created there, I've heard it used in Spain to describe something vulgar but never heard it as slang for dick.


vemailangah t1_iwhumi7 wrote

Pole here. Hilarious story. TBF I've never heard anyone say JC in Poland before I left (cause sexuality is a sin acc. to the church and women deserve no pleasure blah blah attitude) but way to go! All we need to do is to start calling cats CIPKI and we will get there. Pet a kitty and try.


flopik t1_iwhxonp wrote

Off topic - are two russian rockets hitting Poland today true ? Do you know anything more ?


Theycallmechingon87 t1_iwi0jue wrote

Nothing wrong with announcing all over Poland how much you enjoy eating vagina, bro!🤘😂🤘😂🤘😂 Let it be known you savage American!🤣🤣


mountednoble99 t1_iwi5ksi wrote

Lost in translation! I’ve been there, too! I had an American friend named Ben when I was in China. In mandarin, Ben means something similar to dummy… the word Ben Dan means dumb ass! He had to go by Benjamin even though our company wanted us going by short nicknames to seem more friendly!


cupcakemuffin413 t1_iwi8cod wrote

Lmao you really think some random guy on Reddit would answer that? To another random guy on Reddit?

Even if OP knows, do you seriously think they'd be allowed to tell a stranger??


pupperoni42 t1_iwifb19 wrote

Clarification for those who are seeing it here first: it looks like a Russian missile aimed at Ukraine flew over the border into Poland and killed two citizens of a village there.

Probably a screw up rather than a deliberate attack, but it does mean that Russia hit a NATO country and killed its citizens during this war. It's possible this will trigger NATO countries including the US into direct action but it's too soon to tell.


ReVOzE t1_iwifwp8 wrote

OPSEC much?


RainbowBier t1_iwii421 wrote

its not a Secret that NATO Forces are on the eastern Border of NATO and training with other NATO Soliders

its the PreGame Lobby and the Presence of NATO Forces in Poland and the baltic Nations increased over the last few Years significant

so "us soldier in poland" is like nothing really special


sbear37 t1_iwik4lk wrote

Maybe those Russian missiles today were trying to save you from dying from embarrassment.


BZRK_Lee t1_iwile99 wrote

"my name is bert and I work with cats"


FamousPussyGrabber t1_iwilohb wrote

I am Polish and keep having to explain to people that my user name is because I'm a big cat handler for Disney.


peoplearecool t1_iwinx8b wrote

Whats the difference between that word and pisda? I always used pisda


Ashlb-16 t1_iwio0nn wrote

Aren’t you not supposed to say where you’re located if you’re in the military? I heard that from a friend, so I could be wrong


RainbowBier t1_iwip9uv wrote

US Soldier in Poland....

the eastern NATO Border is called Pre Game Lobby for a Reason

there are dozens of Nations with Troops along that Border and in Poland therefore too


torn2bits t1_iwir1ar wrote

Polish Sausage worshipping if ya don't watch out😁


Steven1789 t1_iwir9h8 wrote

About 50 years ago my family was visiting my uncle and his family in the Miami area. My uncle (dad’s brother) was doing his residency (he’s an oncologist still) and had several friends who came from overseas for their medical education.

One of the MDs was from India, and while he was near fluent in English, he was completely perplexed when my father, telling everyone we were headed back to our hotel, declared that we’d be “hitting the road.” A quick idiom lesson later, and the friend had learned a new phrase


yazzy1233 t1_iwirgwt wrote

Op!! You're in Poland, what's going on, give us the details!!


batman_not_robin t1_iwisvdi wrote

If you’re an American soldier based in Poland you probably got bigger concerns than this now


jaceybean t1_iwitjqv wrote

Manteca is the Spanish word for butter. But you wouldn't use it in the context of English " butter them up". The phrase is meant to gain their help or support. You would just sound like you're going to cook them.


DotDamo t1_iwiubyz wrote

My partner is from the Philippines so I was learning some Filipino. We went away with some of her family, and I thought it polite if I refer to her family with Filipino titles.

I was calling her Aunty and Uncle by the titles, Tita and Titi. Tita translates to Aunty, but Titi doesn’t translate to Uncle.

Tita = Aunty; Tito = Uncle; Titi = Penis.

My partner didn’t tell me until after we left.


TallyTeaCozy t1_iwivq3t wrote

Uh oh, looks like someone got a visit from their friendly neighborhood CI boi


Iguessimonredditnow t1_iwixdee wrote

I think the internet has broken my faith in humanity - because there would absolutely be people going out of their way to sniff up farts if they could see them.

Like hot girl farts in the mall and creepy old guy hobbles over to the cloud for a deep inhale.

Not to mention the stupid TikTok videos that would exist where people have color blend challenges and stuff.