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Freerz OP t1_ix7zu7g wrote

In total over the 4 or so hours I had 1 shot and 4 drinks, which is low for someone with my tolerance. Mostly I was just confused. No real hangover, kinda drowsy and lethargic. I woke up with recollection of like 1 moment and that’s it.


Soup_Sensitive t1_ix80m7e wrote

4 mixed drinks? Because a long Island has 2 1/2 shots. I can only give you a story about how I got drugged to see if anything seems similar. Went out for st Patty's with a now ex, was enjoying a Guinness, next I know I'm waking up in my bed and feeling like I had the flu. I have no memory after holding the glass. It is possible you were drugged, take a test asap. If it turns out you were, call the places you had drinks and warn them. Maybe they can find footage of what happened if they have cameras.


Freerz OP t1_ix82zy8 wrote

3 rum and cokes and a glass of champagne


DeadpoolsITguy t1_ix88l1a wrote

yeah buddy it sounds like there was more than alcohol in one of those glasses, possibly not even meant for you.


Phighters t1_ix893jg wrote

If they were doubles or more, could get ya in trouble.


doctorcaesarspalace t1_ix8beum wrote

Not the way he described though


Freerz OP t1_ix8ct83 wrote

I didn’t order doubles if they were. I didn’t even want to be drunk, just a little buzzed. I was going to have to perform later most likely.