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XavierHigdon t1_j19z0w7 wrote

Well, you've raped her, no doubts about that. Enthusiastic affirmative consent is needed and she didn't give it. Just because she clearly enjoyed herself and wanted this to go on doesn't excuse your problematic behavior. Your only recourse is to immediately transition so you can claim to be higher on the progressive stack and thus she will become the oppressor. I'm so sorry she victimized you like that. Young girls like yourself face so many hurdles.


throwaway20029188818 OP t1_j1a0ker wrote

I mean I gather you're trying to be funny? But you raised a good point, I was actually concerned that she didn't explicitly say yes. However I did reassure her that I would stop if she felt uncomfortable.


XavierHigdon t1_j1a1uk2 wrote

I'm not being funny. Rape isn't funny. Is rape culture a joke to you? My ancestors died because of people like you.


throwaway20029188818 OP t1_j1a46up wrote

Your ancestors died for you to sit around and play Warhammer. As a Warhammer player I think taking your advice on women would be a poor decision.


XavierHigdon t1_j1a6ar7 wrote

No, they died because of people like you. I tried helping you, but right wingers like you are just beyond help.
