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doogieshnauser t1_j1nrt2h wrote

affirmative consent is the ONLY way.

ask before doing anything and touching anywhere she’s not verbally allowed you to touch before


Background-Bug-9588 t1_j1q14u9 wrote

This comment right here needs to be higher up. ESPECIALLY if alcohol is involved and ESPECIALLY if we're talking about survivors of SA.


wuteverman t1_j1qej2q wrote

This is really the only thing OP needs to see.

Informed affirmative consent, and there’s no reason it can’t be sexy or dirty talk.

“I want to make out with you” is way more sexy than going in for a kiss and getting rebuffed because you misread the cues


Iffy2 t1_j1qe2lj wrote

Even if she’s verbally allowed someone to touch before, ask again.


doogieshnauser t1_j1nruy1 wrote

or you will be like u/ultramagat and the altar boy


PushThePig28 t1_j1pykkq wrote

I’ve ended up making out and playing with the tits of a lot of my female friends when we’re drunk sharing a bed. Some of them we have sex, a couple others - like this girl - the boundary is between the legs even when they’re naked in bed. The thing is once you find the boundary is and if it gets to “no” then that’s just it, the answer is no. You do not try again. Saying this from both sides of the coin, I’ve always respected no when they aren’t comfortable going further, and all my female friends have always respected when I said no when we we were fooling around a bit but I didn’t want to go all the way to fucking. It’s okay to find the boundary if there is one, but once you do you better respect it.

I think in a lot of close male/female friendships the reaction would’ve been “it’s all good just keep the hands above the waist” but A) you tried twice after being told no and B) she had been previously sexually assaulted and you knew this beforehand

Maybe she’ll be okay with you in time, maybe she won’t but that’s her call. In the meantime learn from this and don’t be shitty- no means no.


doogieshnauser t1_j1pyzr9 wrote

no. you must get consent before touching at all and touching elsewhere

otherwise you risk violating boundaries and being accused of sexual assault


PushThePig28 t1_j1q0ocu wrote

“Permission to play with the tiddies?” “Permission granted”

Or “can I put my hand in your pants” isn’t sexy

Honestly you can usually tell when people are open to it (well not this guy). If someone tells you they have a boundary simply don’t cross it.


justinkroegerlake t1_j1q9umo wrote

"can I touch your chest" / "is it okay if I touch your chest" works fine and won't ruin anything. Or you just ask early on "let me know what's too much" and if nothing is too much she'll tell you something to that effect.

Honestly it is too easy for guys to not realize how scary it can be for a woman to say no or stop. Make it easier


zeigzag666 t1_j1qe1yr wrote

Doesn't matter of it's sexy, it's crucial. And most people appreciate being considerate enough to ask for consent.

If you are dating someone who is turned off by you asking for consent, run. I dated someone like this once and they turned out to be very mentally unstable.


doogieshnauser t1_j1qgg2p wrote

rape much?

there are way better ways to ask than you said here. some other posters have mentioned some good options above and below.


Proof-Tumbleweed-460 t1_j1oas63 wrote

Well he was inebriated which throws any form of consent out the window


Johncamp28 t1_j1ob9y4 wrote

Can you explain this?


Proof-Tumbleweed-460 t1_j1obpk6 wrote

So naturally everyone’s level of intoxication before they are too “drunk” or inebriated to make logical decisions varies from person to person. Legally in some states in America the laws recognize this and state that when YOU are past a certain level of inebriation that you can’t give or ask for consent because of the physical and mental impairment that comes with being past that level.


Johncamp28 t1_j1ocaoz wrote

So I’m confused does this mean he’s automatically guilty or innocent?


Proof-Tumbleweed-460 t1_j1octp0 wrote

So he’d be guilty by all accounts in America unless there was compelling evidence that she gave physical consent. But what I’m saying is that he did what he did while he was drunk (him getting consent wouldn’t make a difference because he’s drunk) and because of the physical and mental impairment that comes with being inebriated prevents logical decision making


PushThePig28 t1_j1pyqr1 wrote

Idk about this. Most of my hook ups come when I’m drunk or fucked up and I can consent just fine.
