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Proof-Tumbleweed-460 t1_j1oa0hg wrote

Well aren’t you a bit overkill. Lets address a few things about this real quick. 1. OP literally is groveling about how terrible they feel because they made a very dumb mistake while intoxicated( they not only identified but accepted their failure) meaning in an inebriated state of mind he isn’t able to ask for consent 2. If Becky chose to report him she would be well within her rights to do so but it all go what OP is saying is true then this wasn’t a situation of malicious intent and is more deserving of giving Becky time and space to fully wrap her head around what she feels necessary. Rather than judging this dude who’s clearly in a fucked position, give him some recourses to get the help he needs before things potentially get worst.


BlahMan06 t1_j1oblx5 wrote

He molested a girl who has a history of sexual assault. Fuck him and his feelings.


Proof-Tumbleweed-460 t1_j1ocx7d wrote

Yeah see that would be okay to say if he wasn’t accepting guilt and seeking penance but you’re being a complete pile of trash to someone who’s not a repeat offender ( from what we know) so saying this only pushes to the extreme of what can happen and not the healthy outcome


BlahMan06 t1_j1ohf17 wrote

His feelings after the fact don't change the horrible things the victum feels. Stop defending this rapist.


Proof-Tumbleweed-460 t1_j1od1m4 wrote

Like you’re being a complete scumbag to someone you don’t know and have no right to be, you aren’t the victim, you aren’t the cops and you aren’t him so take your shit and rant on someone else’s fucking thread