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Johncamp28 t1_j1ob9y4 wrote


Proof-Tumbleweed-460 t1_j1obpk6 wrote

So naturally everyone’s level of intoxication before they are too “drunk” or inebriated to make logical decisions varies from person to person. Legally in some states in America the laws recognize this and state that when YOU are past a certain level of inebriation that you can’t give or ask for consent because of the physical and mental impairment that comes with being past that level.


Johncamp28 t1_j1ocaoz wrote

So I’m confused does this mean he’s automatically guilty or innocent?


Proof-Tumbleweed-460 t1_j1octp0 wrote

So he’d be guilty by all accounts in America unless there was compelling evidence that she gave physical consent. But what I’m saying is that he did what he did while he was drunk (him getting consent wouldn’t make a difference because he’s drunk) and because of the physical and mental impairment that comes with being inebriated prevents logical decision making


PushThePig28 t1_j1pyqr1 wrote

Idk about this. Most of my hook ups come when I’m drunk or fucked up and I can consent just fine.
