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Melodic-Spite-5918 OP t1_j1pasb2 wrote

I am aware that I am 100% at fault. I have actually thought about turning myself in but knowing her she might actually not want that because it could draw attention to what happened and I am unsure if she would want people around her to know about this. I would immediately confess if she pressed charges. I might actually suggest to her that she press charges. However, being devasted about this is not something I choose, nor is it something I need the to have the right for. I did something horrible and it is natural for me to feel horrible about it, the guilt eats me up and I am not searching for a way to get rid of it nor for an excuse to let myself sink into it, all I want is to figure out what the best way to move forward is, not for my own sake but so that this never happens again and so that maybe, if there is even the tiniest thing I can do for her to help her heal, that I can do that. As it stands now, the only thing I can do is to stay away and I am going to do that.


YesIWearSocks t1_j1q47e4 wrote

I feel no sympathy for you. I know this will likely mean nothing to you, especially as I have made my disdain clear, but if you are truly remorseful for what you've done, never drink again. If you won't be punished by law, make something of yourself and this experience. Don't drink, and devote yourself to protecting women when possible. If she has to suffer through this, then you can use your privilege and experience to help other women and prevent this from happening to them. Also, seek therapy and don't harm yourself. However reprehensible your actions might have been, it won't solve anything. Rehabilitation is always the goal. I also suggest that you not contact her ever again, for her sake. It's the best thing you can do for her.


Melodic-Spite-5918 OP t1_j1q5617 wrote

No, this means a lot actually. I don't mind if you feel disdain and no sympathy, I don't know you and what I have done is not deserving of sympathy in my opinion either. What you said about making sure to prevent other women from going through this reinforced me in my idea to devote my career to exactly that, as I have discussed in another comment. And you're right, there's nothing left for me except rehabilitation and staying away from her.


YesIWearSocks t1_j1q5p7g wrote

I hope she gets good therapy and moves on from this. I hope you learn from this and help a lot of people. Have a good day.


Melodic-Spite-5918 OP t1_j1q5uj4 wrote

Thank you kindly. Yes I do hope sincerely that she can heal from what I have done to her and I will try my best to help others. You have a good day too.