Submitted by Melodic-Spite-5918 t3_zv8nqi in tifu
Submitted by Melodic-Spite-5918 t3_zv8nqi in tifu
You didn’t “lose” her. You assaulted her. She must have been so scared.
Leave the poor woman alone. Go into therapy. Better yourself.
affirmative consent is the ONLY way.
ask before doing anything and touching anywhere she’s not verbally allowed you to touch before
or you will be like u/ultramagat and the altar boy
C'mon now you are just being too harsh. They like each other and he clearly regrets what he did and they've discussed the event...she understands that he tried to make a move but stopped when she said no. It's not like he is a rapist or something....take a chill pill😆 They will both get over this!
Where does it say that she liked him back? For her what happened was one of her best friends molested her, betraying her trust and basic boundaries.
As much as I appreciate the sentiment, I do not think that we will just both get over this. She doesn't understand that I meant no harm because when I started to text her about wanting to apologize she immediately told me off and said that I can't fix it with an apology. So I did not even attempt to explain that I meant no harm, even though I would like to make that clear to her, because I did not want to seem pushy. If I did, it probably would have come off as me making excuses. So we left things at her telling me that she doesn't want to talk to me anymore and me accepting that. And I don't think it matters if I meant no harm because she probably just feels like I should have known she wouldn't be comfortable with that and that it doesn't change what happened and how she felt. Thank you though
Why would you just start groping somebody without asking? Is this a common thing you do to people you like?
I don't really what that means? Is there a previous thread this refers to?
Is that a genuine question about what goes on inside my head or is it a rhetorical question pointing out how wrong this was? Because if it's the former, I can answer that if you're really curious. If it's the latter, point taken, I have nothing to argue about. And no, this is not a common thing I do to anyone.
Im mildy curious, but dont worry about sharing if its difficult for you. You fucked up majorly, but get in therapy and learn from your mistakes. Also maybe stop drinking.
Read few of your your own personal posts, understand you have your own battles. Don't drop the bomb on me just because you went through tough times. Not your enemy! You are right to say he abused/ betrayed her trust. What I was trying to say to the previous poster not to be so harsh on the guy....OP recognizes what he did not was not right. That is all I am saying.
I don't have trouble sharing, I specifically created this account to share my thoughts and feelings about this because I need to process it somehow right this instant so that I don't do anything to harm myself. To keep it at the very least somewhat short: My parents' marriage and my past relationships left me pretty disfunctional in terms of relationships and love, so now I have intimacy issues and commitment issues. I have become pretty insecure in my ability to find love but at the same time, whenever I do meet a girl who likes me or where I feel like I'd have a chance with her I run from it and avoid confrontation of the topic out of fear to either A) getting into a dysfunctional relationship that would cause harm to either one of us or B) jeopardizing a close friendship for a relationship that might not last, most of the time it's a combination of the two. That makes it pretty difficult for me to find physical or emotional intimacy so now I am somewhat starved for both which is already a problem in the emotional department as it leads to me latching onto people I like for emotional support, regardless of whether I'm romantically interested in them or not. As you can imagine, that leads to a whole other bunch of problems, e.g. the respective girls constantly getting their hopes up because of me sending mixed signals (if she happens to like me). Which is why I now tend to avoid close friendships with girls for the most part, as I do not want to have someone 'on the hook' just for them to get hurt by it over and over again. Which then lead to an even more severe lack of intimacy for me.
You need help
She said it was ok for you to touch her breasts? Was there some interaction before that, that lead to that?
Was she trying to normalize the situation as a coping mechanism?
Idk dude, If you started touching her without any form of previous consent, she shouldnt trust you ever again. Being drunk is not a justification.
If... And this is a big IF... you started making out and she was not ready for that kind of touching and she made it clear, that would be just two people getting frisky and finding each others bounderies.
I think you should write to her letting her know what you think happened. What ever she decides to do, you got to live with that.
If it really went as you said and you just started groping her from nothing, you need to work out your shit, man. If you cant trust yourself, drunk or not, you shouldnt be around that girl or any until you learn to control yourself.
Edit: i forgot to say, its a good thing you Stoped when she asked. Dont feel suicidal, take this as a formative experience.
PLEASE look for help If you cant control your depression.
Need help with what Nathan?
We were not making out, we were just laying in bed and I think snuggling although I honestly don't remember it that well. I am entirely unsure why she said that it would be ok for me to touch her breasts, we were pretty close to each other and at least emotionally pretty intimate with each other, to the point where it would maybe even look like something was going on between us if other people were to read our chats and/or listen to our phone calls. That has been to varying degrees over the months however and she did show romantic interest in other people a few times, during which we were way less intimate with each other. So it's somewhat unclear how exactly she felt about me but as far as I know she just thought of me as a close friend, maybe an inbetween of that and a romantic interest but that is not something I know for sure. She had also told me beforehand that when I was to visit her I could use her lap or her breasts as pillow if I wanted to so it might be that she just didn't mind with people she is close to being intimate with her to that exact point and that she wouldn't have thought anything of it. My guess would probably be that it was a mixture of genuine comfortableness with that in particular and also panic response/coping at the same time but again, this is just pure assumption.
Dude, USE YOUR WORDS and ask before you touch another person. This isn't rocket science and you're far too old to not know it.
I am perfectly aware that being drunk is not a justification, just mentioned it so that the full picture would come across. Obviously I myself am responsible for my mistakes, and that includes this horrible event, I know that.
As I already said in a response to another comment I refrained from telling her how I perceived the situation because she made clear that she does not want an apology and I don't want her to feel like she is urged to understand someone who hurt her. She doesn't want to talk to me, which does mean I can not tell her how I feel but it's only natural that she wants to be left alone so I respect that.
As for my depression, I was having it under control pretty well, this one experience just makes me feel worse than I have felt in years in so many ways, maybe worse than I have ever felt. I don't intend to harm myself but the intrusive thoughts are definitely there and I am trying my best to fight them off. In part because I don't want her to feel like her perfectly reasonable reaction to my fuck up makes her responsible for what would happen to me if I did so something to myself.
You should be locked up you fucking creep. Why the fuck would you grope someone without first making sure its ok? Especially if they've been sexually assaulted before. You are a monster. You deserve the worst possible treatment.
Your issues don't fucking matter. You are a terrible person and have no excuse for this. You are disgusting and you should never be allowed alone with anyone ever again.
Well aren’t you a bit overkill. Lets address a few things about this real quick. 1. OP literally is groveling about how terrible they feel because they made a very dumb mistake while intoxicated( they not only identified but accepted their failure) meaning in an inebriated state of mind he isn’t able to ask for consent 2. If Becky chose to report him she would be well within her rights to do so but it all go what OP is saying is true then this wasn’t a situation of malicious intent and is more deserving of giving Becky time and space to fully wrap her head around what she feels necessary. Rather than judging this dude who’s clearly in a fucked position, give him some recourses to get the help he needs before things potentially get worst.
Honestly man, beating a dead horse about this isn’t necessary. YOU FUCKED UP BAD. But it’s not the end of yours or Becky’s world if you choose for it not to be. Biggest recommendation, i would give Becky some time and space before formally and politely apologizing and admitting to what you did being terrible and reassuring her that you support whatever decision she comes to make. Next big step is to go seek help from a counselor or therapist and break this along with all your other problems you may be having down with them (THIS IS KEY). At the end of the day your relationship with Becky very well be over but only time and recovery between your individual selves can be the determining factors for that.
Well he was inebriated which throws any form of consent out the window
ask before doing
Can you explain this?
He didn’t stop he put his hand between her legs again
He molested a girl who has a history of sexual assault. Fuck him and his feelings.
So naturally everyone’s level of intoxication before they are too “drunk” or inebriated to make logical decisions varies from person to person. Legally in some states in America the laws recognize this and state that when YOU are past a certain level of inebriation that you can’t give or ask for consent because of the physical and mental impairment that comes with being past that level.
So I’m confused does this mean he’s automatically guilty or innocent?
So he’d be guilty by all accounts in America unless there was compelling evidence that she gave physical consent. But what I’m saying is that he did what he did while he was drunk (him getting consent wouldn’t make a difference because he’s drunk) and because of the physical and mental impairment that comes with being inebriated prevents logical decision making
Yeah see that would be okay to say if he wasn’t accepting guilt and seeking penance but you’re being a complete pile of trash to someone who’s not a repeat offender ( from what we know) so saying this only pushes to the extreme of what can happen and not the healthy outcome
Like you’re being a complete scumbag to someone you don’t know and have no right to be, you aren’t the victim, you aren’t the cops and you aren’t him so take your shit and rant on someone else’s fucking thread
Dude. No.
I agree. She’s been assaulted before, and she told this to him in confidence, and trusted him. He then turns around and makes her worst nightmare come true: Sexual assault from a “friend.” That’s something a monster would do.
Ok but we’re missing the part where he says HE WAS DRUNK. In no way was that justification for what he did but gaining consent when you’re drunk isn’t legally possible because you’re impaired to whatever extent do you understand that?? Rather than bashing and judging getting the guy help is more important
Why the fuck are you defending a rapist?
His feelings after the fact don't change the horrible things the victum feels. Stop defending this rapist.
I’ve been drunk lots of times, and I have never assaulted anyone. That’s not an excuse.
Yeah. That’s the real question here.
I never said it was an excuse. For the millionth time bashing someone who’s seeking help because they clearly fucked up does absolutely nothing in the end. How does calling him out like a middle schooler make any difference ??
We aren’t able to give him the professional help he needs nor are we able to intervene as law enforcement so at the end of the day the only thing we can do is recommend a way to move forward or are we just gonna stick with useless bashing?
You’re a piece of fucking shit. I’m not even going to finish reading. You SHOULD be ashamed of yourself. Next time find a cave to cry alone in so u don’t need to manipulate women even more and make them feel bad for not letting you rape them. You are a fucking freak.
I get your point, but the way you’re coming across is a little pro-rape vibes. I was in a similar situation as she was, and I’ve never gotten over it. It ruined my life.
At the end of the day, he knew she had a past trauma about this, he allowed himself to get so drunk that he “couldn’t control himself.” (I don’t believe that.)
People turn into their real selves when they are drunk, and they VERY LEAST we know (by his own admission, so he probably left some stuff out) is that she asked him to stop, and he did not. That’s the kind of people who do terrible things, and he did. He probably ruined her life.
So? Does he need help? Absolutely! Because he has a problem. Like, a REAL problem. I think he needs to understand the damage he has done, but he doesn’t! He’s still taking up for himself in the comments! Bruh.
Are you dense??? I’ve made it clear there is no justification for what he did but who are you to absolutely shit on someone who’s already defeated. Nobody says you have to like him but you’re not doing anything for the situation altogether
He’s trying to get perspective and there isn’t exactly a rulebook for how a man can make up for this so no I’m not pro-rape in any way but I’m not gonna be shit to him either. It’s not my place to judge him my opinion is irrelevant when he’s asking how to go about making up for it.
And ppl like u r a big reason y ppl off themselves. U should never talk to anybody depressed in any way, especially when they r trying to get it off their chest and know they fucked up. He isnt trying to say he was justified. He fucked up, he knows it, and everybody knows alcohol fucks ur ability to do most things so u cant say he should never b alone again because of a fuck up while drunk.
People like you are why rapists get off with a warning and victums of sexual assault off themselves. You take zero thought into how the victum feels, this isn't depression, this isn't something that you can take back. This is sexual assault and there should be zero tolerance for it.
Boo hoo. Dont drink then. I and many others dont drink. If you KNOW you have issues and that you could potentially be a liability then maybe don't choose to ingest a substance that impairs your ability to make good decisions.
Nobody needs to get drunk or take drugs.
You can't sexually assault a girl then go "ah well I was drunk oopsie, not totally my fault though haha" You chose to drink, you bear responsibility for your actions while intoxicated.
At what point did i say he shouldnt b in trouble for what he did? He should c a therapist, so should she, if charges r pressed he should own up to it and face the legal consequences. In case u werent sure, the legal system tends to dislike ppl committing suicide and prefers ppl to attone for their crimes. This is why the death penalty is rare and is usually reserved for mass murderers and the like. He fucked up, but she isnt dead and can be helped. He made a stupid fuck up and needs mental help for the depression, the issues with interacting other people, and likely controlling himself and alcohol.
Yes u bear reaponsibility. Still not death. Thats still not the appropriate punishment for this.
Edit: please also note that if all ppl could control their alcohol issues, aa would not b nearly as needed in society
Seek help
Don’t be shy! Defend the rapist. Cmon! We’re waiting.
Oh I mean I kinda thought she did too. Based on setting the beds up together, saying “you can touch my chest”, and the general eagerness to see OP.
(NOT AT ALL CONDONING THIS, I just think maybe she initially liked him… but… now he’s absolutely ruined her trust. Even after she told him about her previous assault. Really, really terrible)
Dude fucked up, no defending him. But you, based on your replies, should seek some form of therapy.
You know what my guy, I wrote out a whole thing but I'm gonna leave it with something simple instead:
Go to a hospital. Like, tomorrow. I do not mean this in an insulting way, I genuinely mean you should seriously consider checking into a hospital and getting the help you need. I've been before when I was about your age. Shit, you can even do some research and find a place with good reviews, I wish I had that privilege.
Ah so the person who thinks rape is wrong and punishable should seek therapy but not the rapist. I encourage every other MAN who down voted me to show just how fucking stupid they are. Please! Don’t just downvote babe. Explain yourself!
Nobody is disagreeing with you, rape is wrong and punishable. The comments explained that to the guy and many even told him to seek therapy of some sort.
What I am saying, is the way you are talking makes it seems like you aren't in control of your emotions over a post on the internet, would lead me to believe that there are some unresolved issues with you, and that's why you should seek professional help.
OP, I appreciate how you are acknowledging that what you did was wrong. You clearly sincerely regret what you have done. You made a mistake, and that does not define you. But you need to make some changes in your life to be better. You should definitely reevaluate your relationship with alcohol to prevent anything like this from happening again. You also might consider writing a letter to her explaining your side of the story. On the envelope, write “You don’t have to read this now or ever, but if you ever want my full apology, here it is.” That way she has the option to read your apology and possibly get some closure in the future if she wants.
This man does not deserve sympathy. He’s manipulative and i’ll call it out when I see it. Goodbye!
Indeed, but you still need therapy.
Are you paying? If not you can take a deep breath and start minding your own business.
Being a total fuckin dolt Jesus. I feel bad for the women in your life
First step to getting help is admitting you have a problem and need help
Don’t listen to these people when your sleeping over a girls house she knows you like her you make a move and they react accordingly you don’t ask every time you have a first kiss do you she stopped you and you going for seconds that’s the part that might run her off but if she likes you she’ll forgive u it’s not that bad
so… she had to tell you to stop physically assaulting her twice, you broke down and made it about you when she was the wronged party and she comforted you(!!!) you tried to apologize and she didn’t accept it, and asked you to leave her alone. and here you are again, disrespecting her boundaries because of YOUR feelings and agenda. notice a pattern here? if you want to “make things better” leave her alone. go to therapy. own up to your shit, and for the love of god stop drinking.
edit: it doesn’t matter if you “meant no harm”. you literally assaulted someone who did not want to be touched by you repeatedly. that was the harm.
There isn’t a rule book because sexual assault isn’t something you can “make up for”. The fact you keep defending him is literally pro-rape. “Oh but he’s depressed! Oh but he was drunk! But he feeeeels baaaaaaaddd!!!”
Do you plan on telling your friends and family that have been sexually assaulted to “make up” with their abuser?? Genuinely asking because for someone that swears you’re not defending him you seem to be doing just that; defending him. He’s a grown ass man, not a child. He knew what he was doing was wrong. There’s no way he suddenly forgot that no means no and there’s absolutely no way he thought her slapping his hand away meant he should try again later.
Ya that's not an alcohol issue... that's a self control issue.
Sure, I’ll do it. Dude fucked up on an astronomical level but it was obviously a mistake done through a complete lack of self control, and consideration rather than an act of malice or a desire to manipulate/take advantage of someone. I hope the girl harmed through his actions will find healing and that OP will learn from his mistake, grow as a person, and stay the fuck away from alcohol for a while. Context is important and this kind of violent reaction is never the right response, hate only creates hate.
Not only that but literally made HER comfort HIM immediately after by bawling about some random ass shit.
Frankly, I don't believe you have the right to cry about this. You fucked up. You should feel bad. This woman told you that she has trouble trusting men, and had been sexually abused in the past. Even when I drink, I feel no urge to molest my friends, neither do any of my friends. You need help. You also deserve judicial punishment. Regardless of how she treats it or if she doesn't want to report, you molested her. The right thing to do would be repent and turn yourself in. I know you're not going to do that, but you're going to have to live with the guilt of traumatizing this woman. I hope you lie awake with guilt every night, and she does alert the police. This is inexcusable. Feel bad, but you have no right to be as "devastated" as you are. Despite being drunk it was still YOU that molested her.
Yes. Imagine being assaulted by a drunk guy who you trusted. And then spending the night placating him and comforting him in the hope he won’t force himself on you again or worse.
Thank you for the kind words. Yes, I will be reevaluating my relationship with alcohol. I've had trouble with alcohol in the past but I never hurt someone before because of it. When I was 15, I got myself drunk to the point of collapse on the regular and one time I woke up in the hospital after drinking myself into a near death state. I have since severely reduced the amounts of alcohol that I take in but as it seems that was not enough. Since I now know that I might become a liability to those around me, I'm going to consider staying away from alcohol altogether from now on.
The letter might actually be a good idea, I hadn't thought about that. That way I could offer her a formal and complete apology without putting her into a situation where she has to read it if she doesn't want to deal with the topic.
I know I am not the victim, my intention is not to come across as such. I also know that, just because there was no harmful intent, that doesn't negate the damage I have done. I do however think that I am within my rights to talk about this as long as I don't lose sight of me being at fault and her being the victim. I have given her anonimty by changing her name and I have only talked about this with my best friend and no one else for multiple reasons, of which a major one is my genuine wish to not disrespect her boundaries from here on out. If she was to see this post and to tell me that I should delete it, I would. I she was to press charges, I would confess on the spot. I she was to ask anything at all from me ever again I would not hesitate for a second to do as she asked. I would give her everything I have if that is what she asked me to do, be it money, be it any act of punishment. I want to own up to this so bad, but I am unsure of how to do that which is why I opened this thread, to gain perspective, not to get myself sympathy for something I am obviously at fault for.
I am aware that I am 100% at fault. I have actually thought about turning myself in but knowing her she might actually not want that because it could draw attention to what happened and I am unsure if she would want people around her to know about this. I would immediately confess if she pressed charges. I might actually suggest to her that she press charges. However, being devasted about this is not something I choose, nor is it something I need the to have the right for. I did something horrible and it is natural for me to feel horrible about it, the guilt eats me up and I am not searching for a way to get rid of it nor for an excuse to let myself sink into it, all I want is to figure out what the best way to move forward is, not for my own sake but so that this never happens again and so that maybe, if there is even the tiniest thing I can do for her to help her heal, that I can do that. As it stands now, the only thing I can do is to stay away and I am going to do that.
You're right, there is no excuse for what I have done. I am not looking or asking for or trying to make excuses. I fucked up by doing a fucked up thing. I am 100% at fault, regardless of my own personal issues. I bear responsibility for acting within what I know to be right despite my burdens and that time, I failed to do so. But I am not a rapist. I did not rape her and I was not attempting to rape her. I don't think I'm doing her or anyone else any favors by seeing this issue for anything other than exactly what it is: Sexual assault because of my lack of self control. I have always placed importance in showing her that I respect her boundaries, that we weren't ever going to do any activities or talk about any topics that would make her even slightly uncomfortable and every time I was being genuine from the bottom of my heart. But when it mattered the most I could not keep to that promise and I misused the trust she had built for me and that is inexcusable, and I am not trying to tell anyone otherwise.
I have 0 empathy for you. You should be locked up. You've given her more trauma and pain. You should turn yourself in.
The getting drunk immediately when nobody else was is definitely a self control issue. His actions after, while not excused, are almost certainly a result of the alcohol which removes inhibitions and lowered self control even further.
You've got a drinking problem. Seek therapy and look up AA meetings. It doesn't seem like you're truly holding yourself accountable here due to the constant reminder of how drunk you were. This could escalate to serious problems in the future.
I don't intend to hide behind the alcohol, I am completely aware that this is my own fault and I don't want to run from the accountability. The only reason I mentioned the alcohol was to get the events across as accurately as possible. I don't have a drinking problem so I don't really think an AA meeting would do much but staying away from alcohol all together is definitely something that I am contemplating right now. As is therapy.
"Sorry if" isn't an apology and taking responsibility.
"Sorry if" blames the person you're apologizing to for being mad in the first place.
Ya, shit like this is disgusting. OP needs to get some help.
I did not read all of your very long long story, I know it does not feel like it but at 21 you are just a kid and you still have a lot to learn and mistakes to be made. One shining light in this is that you feel horrible about what happened, a bad person would not feel the way you do, so yay you are a good person who fucked up welcome to the fucking club.
Thanks for the kindness. I know I have the capacity to be better, the thought that just eats me up more than anything else is the trauma I must have caused in her. I will never be able to forgive myself for that and I will never have the chance of changing what happened. But at the very least I know I can take steps so that this doesn't ever happen again.
And that's why everyone keeps telling you to go to therapy.
Go to therapy dickhead
While what you did was obviously wrong, you need to come up with steps to move forward. You need to apologize to Becky and accept that she may or may not accept your apology. You need to seek help to ensure this does not happen again. Also this is just my opinion, but maybe quit drinking?
Holy shit dude this isn’t a tale of two hearts drifting your sexually assaulted her and are blaming it on alcohol. Never drink again, take all the consequences that come with you’re predatory actions and see a counselor if you really care
It was her way to defend herself safely from a person who doesn't understand consent, was drunk and unpredictable, and could over power her. She didn't want you to touch her chest but you were touching her vagina which was scarier and wuickly heading towards rape in her eyes, or fingering which is extremely violating and physically violent. She told you to touch her chest as a way to stop you from raping or assaulting her further without reacting violently in anger at her rejecting you. Not because she WANTED you to touch her chest. It was just the safer of the two assaults.
I wanted to apologize to her but she did not want to hear an apology. She said to leave her alone so I did. While she hasn't blocked me anywhere, I am pretty sure she trusts me to just not text her and she has deleted me from various social media platforms, probably so that she doesn't have to see my name anymore which is understandable. As suggested in another comment, I will in due time prepare a formal and in-depth apology where I plan to detail what exactly I am sorry for (so as to make clear that I understand all of the mistakes that led to this) and where I will reassure here that she only has to read it if she some day decides to and that the apology letter does not mean that she will have to hear from me again. Stopping drinking is definitely something I will attempt and I have been thinking about other ways to move forward and better myself.
I am not depressed because I am a "douche bag", I am depressed because I am depressed and on top of that I turned into a "douche bag" somewhere along the line. I have been depressed since the age of 13, at which I was still an innocent kid. But stopping to be a "douche bag" is something I have to do either way so that's what I'll be working on.
I don't want to make it sound like it was because of the alcohol, that is not what I am trying to do here. I only bring it up to portray the situation more accurately. I do absolutely intend to take the consequences and to take full responsibility and to better myself so that this doesn't happen again.
Ok so what’s your actual plan because it sounds like you just want sympathy without effort, like you want us to tell you you’re a good person for “taking responsibility” (anonymously online). So what are you actually going to do. Why should I not see you as a predator who will hurt people again
No, I don't want anyone to tell me I'm a good person or to show me sympathy. I have not done anything to take responsibility yet, an attempt at an apology is not taking responsibility, I know that. I open this thread to have a place to converse about it so that I could process it and gain perspective, because, to be perfectly frank, I had difficulty reflecting on the situation, all I was consumed by was the pain and the guilt and the feeling of not being able to make right. I still have all of these feelings, but the feedback I have been getting is encouraging me to better myself. I intend to stop drinking, not because "alcohol is at fault and that fixes the problem" but because I want to eliminate any and all risk factors that could lead to me becoming a liability again and also, though this is just a loose idea floating around in my head as of right now and I don't even know if or how I would go about it, but since I am a psychology student (not intending to become a therapist, don't worry) I was thinking that maybe, after graduating, I could focus my career on working on sexual assault prevention campaigns and studies so as to ensure that no others have to go through what I put her through.
Edit: I thought about prevention specifically because I think that is an area that is still scarily underdeveloped despite the obvious need for it and the research to base it on being there, but more importantly I would be choosing prevention because after what I have done I could not ever possibly feel comfortable working with victims who already had to suffer through it, even when I get to a point where I can be 100% sure that I won't be doing anything like this again.
If you sexually assault someone while you were so drunk you don't even remember all the details that's pretty much the definition of a problem.
No obviously the situation at hand is deeply problematic, I could never argue against that, I meant I don't have an alcohol addiction.
Edit: Also, that still doesn't mean it's a drinking problem, as others have pointed out it's a self control problem.
What did u do for the friendship to end the first time?
I said it before and I'll say it again. Alcohol is poison to the mind, soul and body. I don't understand why anyone drinks or enjoys it. Also I would never drink if I was the only one drinking. You're just asking for a bad time
Bro chill. People like you are the problem. Whenever someone like op is trying to get help or advice because they know they fucked up, we have people like you immediately making them feel worse.
No wonder people kill themselves before seeking help. Judging by your words. You're a terrible person too
This world will be a better place without you too 😂
Girl go to your cousins funeral. Get off reddit.
Is that supposed to hurt me? 😂 You clearly have anger issues dude. You're being a hypocrite and telling someone else to go to therapy when you have no emotional regulation whatsoever.
Get help. Have a good day. :)
No it’s supposed to be funny and you laughed. I will have a good day ty ☺️
Ouh boy. It's a pretty long story but: There was this other girl, also a close friend of mine, who had been in love with me for over a year by that point. She never outright told me until this year but I always knew because she was not especially subtle about it and constantly gave off hints that she has feelings for me. Eventually, I also developed feelings for her but because I was scared of commitment and because I knew how vulnerable she was and I was scared that I could hurt her I never confronted her about it and just...ran from it. She then shortly got together with her ex, which made me regret the whole thing. That's when Becky and I met. I ended up latching myself onto Becky for emotional support and I thought I was starting to like her, although looking back at it now, it's very likely I was just talking myself into it to distract myself and I tried to transfer my already existing, pretty strong feelings for that other girl onto Becky. She felt completely overwhelmed by it and rejected me, telling me that no matter what, she could never see me as a romantic prospect (though she told me that was not true this year, so it probably was just a coping response) and that she really likes me as a friend and does not know how to act around me now as she does not want to hurt me. The other girl and her boyfriend then broke up almost immediately again, I do not know why but I know that she had been conflicted about having feelings for me (a guy she thought would never give her a chance) and wanting to go back to her ex from the start so the possibility of me being the reason for their break up does exist I guess. Anyhow, she tried spending time with me again but I kept telling myself that I had moved on to Becky and because I came to regret giving up so quickly on that girl I got really fixated on not giving up on Becky so fast. We both did some bad things, we were constantly arguing when with our friends and although I do have to admit that I should have been more mature about it back then, her constant remarks about our fractured friendship, eg talking about movies or memes with our friends and then saying to me "You know, I would really like to show you but oh, we are keeping our distance from each other" made more angry at her, so we kept exchanging remarks like these back and forth. Eventually, I made a bet with my friends that she would develop feelings for another guy in that group (which did end up happening) and when she found out about it, she singled me out about it and broke off our friendship. She and him got together and he broke up with her a couple months later because he felt bored by her not being toxic enough (sounds like a joke but that's literally what happened). Hadn't heard from her since, until the end of last year when it just so happened that we started to slowly get in contact again through our mutual friends, but since then the contact between her and them slowly faded away so I was the last one of our friend group to be in contact with her. There's more to it but this is basically the gist of it.
Most of the commenters here are just taking the guys story and escalating things out of proportion. OP came out and he assumed that what he did was wrong. We all agree on that part, but calling the guy names/ insulting him is not going to help anyone nor OP.
This this!!! The immediate “breakdown” and “trying not to cry”. Give me a fucking break. OP assaulted her and then made her comfort him!! I know that im reacting because this was the pattern of my abuser but this fucking shit needs to end. OP, leave her alone, get therapy and stop drinking for the foreseeable future.
You are not within your rights to make her talk to you about this. Women arent free therapists. Go hire a professional and leave her alone
I’ve ended up making out and playing with the tits of a lot of my female friends when we’re drunk sharing a bed. Some of them we have sex, a couple others - like this girl - the boundary is between the legs even when they’re naked in bed. The thing is once you find the boundary is and if it gets to “no” then that’s just it, the answer is no. You do not try again. Saying this from both sides of the coin, I’ve always respected no when they aren’t comfortable going further, and all my female friends have always respected when I said no when we we were fooling around a bit but I didn’t want to go all the way to fucking. It’s okay to find the boundary if there is one, but once you do you better respect it.
I think in a lot of close male/female friendships the reaction would’ve been “it’s all good just keep the hands above the waist” but A) you tried twice after being told no and B) she had been previously sexually assaulted and you knew this beforehand
Maybe she’ll be okay with you in time, maybe she won’t but that’s her call. In the meantime learn from this and don’t be shitty- no means no.
Idk about this. Most of my hook ups come when I’m drunk or fucked up and I can consent just fine.
no. you must get consent before touching at all and touching elsewhere
otherwise you risk violating boundaries and being accused of sexual assault
Oh boy. OP when a girl tells you she doesn’t see you as a potential romantic partner then believe her even if you think she might not mean it. I think Becky genuinely only saw you as a friend back then and now as well. I think she allowed you to touch her chest out of fear you may choose to force more to happen if she says no, it’s a defence mechanism. From what I’m reading you seem to really need an outlet to talk about your feelings and experiences aka therapy (and I mean this nicely of course- i myself am in therapy) because the way you behave and react is not healthy. You are here for advice and this is my advice to you: Meet with a therapist and work on yourself and the therapist will definitely help you find a way to make it up to Becky. Definitely consider limiting your alcohol intake, it’s not safe to drink so much. Good luck op, you don’t seem like a bad dude but if you don’t choose to work on yourself and improve then something like this could potentially happen again (maybe even worse).
Are you talking about my best friend or about Becky? If you mean Becky, she has told me that she wants to be left alone so I am doing that. It is entirely her decision and if she does not want to talk to me again then I won't talk to her again. That's the pill I'm trying to swallow. If you mean my best friend, I called her up and told her about all of this because I had to get it off my chest and I was afraid to be left alone with my thoughts. I am not making her talk about this though, I am telling her something and she responds how she sees fit. If she does not feel comfortable to talk about it then she should not feel any obligation to do so. I have told her that one or two times right at the beginning when I called her up to tell her but I will make sure to remind her of that again. She obviously is not a free therapist, she is my friend and if she does not/can not offer me support than she is in her rights to not do so.
This kind of reply literally isn't helpful to anyone and will only make him more resentful, toxic and probably increase the chances of him doing something bad again OR commiting suicide. If someone has acknowledged they did a very bad thing and is showing remorse, this kind of reply isn't constructive or helpful.
So this reads as you assaulting one woman, finally realizing that you cant make her talk to you about it and going to a different woman to make her do emotional labor. If you cant be alone with your thoughts, there are professionals to assist and hotlines for when you cant get an appointment. My whole point is stop asking women to do emotional labor for you. “If she doesnt feel comfortable to talk about it then she should not feel any obligation”. My dude, you are saying that you have active ideations of suicide right now. There are few people who would not “feel an obligation” in that situation. 988 is free and appears to be international. Call them.
Probably the best comment from from this post worth reading...period. All the downvoters and people choosing to insult the guy should definitely read this.
Thanks. Yeah I entirely agree with what you said, I also don't think she just saw me as a friend, both back then and now and that allowing me to touch her chest was a defense mechanism because she was scared of me. I just said that her being unable to ever see me as a romantic prospect turned out to be not true because over the last few months, she told me multiple times that she wouldn't rule that possibility out from ever happening and even back then we could've ended up together if things had gone differently and if we hadn't met at a time where we were both going through other things. Of course, that doesn't mean that she ever did see me as a romantic prospect and I don't think she did. I now that I have been displaying destructive behavior even back then (emotionally harmful to both myself and others) and I am continually working on that. I thought I was already much better then back then and much more in control of myself and that I had moved on from a lot of my problematic tendencies but it looks like maybe I just bottled things up. I have a lot to think about and to work on and this mistake something that I will always carry with me and that I will never be able to forgive myself but I'm willing to be better from here on out.
“Permission to play with the tiddies?” “Permission granted”
Or “can I put my hand in your pants” isn’t sexy
Honestly you can usually tell when people are open to it (well not this guy). If someone tells you they have a boundary simply don’t cross it.
This comment right here needs to be higher up. ESPECIALLY if alcohol is involved and ESPECIALLY if we're talking about survivors of SA.
I did not intend for her to do "emotional labor" I am merely spending time with her to distract myself and telling her how I feel and what happened so she knows what's going on. I have done the same for other people numerous times and I have done it for her too. I have supported her when she told me about feeling suicidal and had battles to fight. I have always repeatedly reassured her to not shy away from reaching out to me because if she needs my support, I want to be there for her as much as I can, as friends do. Since I felt capable of doing that and comfortable with doing so, I do not think of this as something that is completely off-limits because from my experience it is reasonably manageable. I am however aware of how sensitive of a topic this is (this referring both to the incident, as well as suicidality) and that there are definitely people who do not know how to deal with it and just have to do so because they feel obligated. But she told me numerous times that she needs me to promise to reach out to her if I am going through something or struggling with mental health and so I trust her to know how much she is comfortable with if she made me promise that. If she does not feel comfortable than it is perfectly ok for her to just decline that, there are other ways how she can be there for me and even if she doesn't have the time or energy to do so, it is not and never was her responsibility to take care of me, I am an adult and I am willing to work on any problems that come my way or that are inherent to me by myself. I am trying so hard to not make her feel obligated to take care of me and beyond my first initial call, she has been reaching out to me to check up on me on her own which I am infinitely thankful for but I do not expect her or anyone to do so. This does obviously not replace professional help, I know that.
Then make an appointment or call a hotline. If i knew someone was suicidal, i would reach out too. If only so i wouldnt feel guilty if something happened. And btw “spending time with her to distract myself etc etc etc” is asking her to do emotional labor. The words you use dont matter when it is clear what you are asking. A suicidal person saying “oh just tell me if it is too much but let me share my feelings and distract myself” is asking her to shoulder the burden.
If you are an adult, take the steps you need and be an adult
I agree w you specially that I was shocked when she said that she's not comfortable talking to him when he texted her later cuz it doesn't flatter the fact that she told him that it was ok to touch her tatas so what you're saying makes perfect sense! I really wish I would give her a hug and at the same time I feel the OP's regret and wish he would seek for needed help and personally I don't think I'd be ok w this friendship after something like that even if I fully forgive the person so I'm only hoping for both their comfort within themselves
Yeah you're probably right. I do want to mention that I probably am physically weaker then her but at the of the day that doesn't really matter. It was a scary, fucked up situation for her and I can't imagine how much damage I must have caused.
I am always working on myself and on becoming a better person, so don't worry I was always planning on taking the necessary steps myself. Staying away from alcohol, seeking professional help and maybe at least finding a way to help prevent this from happening to others since I can't fix the damage I have done with Becky. And you're right, I shouldn't have asked this much of my best friend, that was unreasonable of me. Thanks for reminding me of that.
Drunk me would do stupid shit that I would never do sober. Nothing terrible. But enough for me to chill with alcohol because it simply wasn’t me. I have an occasional drink, but I now know that I’m just not a good drinker. And such a lightweight lol
I feel no sympathy for you. I know this will likely mean nothing to you, especially as I have made my disdain clear, but if you are truly remorseful for what you've done, never drink again. If you won't be punished by law, make something of yourself and this experience. Don't drink, and devote yourself to protecting women when possible. If she has to suffer through this, then you can use your privilege and experience to help other women and prevent this from happening to them. Also, seek therapy and don't harm yourself. However reprehensible your actions might have been, it won't solve anything. Rehabilitation is always the goal. I also suggest that you not contact her ever again, for her sake. It's the best thing you can do for her.
No, this means a lot actually. I don't mind if you feel disdain and no sympathy, I don't know you and what I have done is not deserving of sympathy in my opinion either. What you said about making sure to prevent other women from going through this reinforced me in my idea to devote my career to exactly that, as I have discussed in another comment. And you're right, there's nothing left for me except rehabilitation and staying away from her.
I hope she gets good therapy and moves on from this. I hope you learn from this and help a lot of people. Have a good day.
Thank you kindly. Yes I do hope sincerely that she can heal from what I have done to her and I will try my best to help others. You have a good day too.
So basically, you have no self control and will probably rape someone. You're a piece of shit. Burn
She’s overrating. You stopped and listened. Young generation is so messed.
Read the freaking post, everyone here is quick to judge OP and interested on insulting him rather than being willing to help or offer advice. ....not saying that what OP did was right, he also assumes this himself....but you don't see me here bashing the guy over what he did or calling him drunk. Almost everyone here is more interested on calling the guy a molester rather than actually offer advice or help that he is asking/ looking for. Give me a break, by the way, the woman in my life also suffers from depression, she being medicated and I am right next to her to help and support her the best way that I can.
"can I touch your chest" / "is it okay if I touch your chest" works fine and won't ruin anything. Or you just ask early on "let me know what's too much" and if nothing is too much she'll tell you something to that effect.
Honestly it is too easy for guys to not realize how scary it can be for a woman to say no or stop. Make it easier
What happened in this story could be in a textbook on alcoholism.
I'm not saying you're drinking most days. I'm saying if you show up to an apartment where there's alcohol and end up drunk despite being the only one, then yes you have a problem with alcohol. Just quit drinking, look what it has cost you
Dude no, I would never even think about saying that she is overreacting and you should not ever say that to anyone who has gone through something like she did. What I did was wrong and acknowledging that is incredibly important.
Ummm...don't drink. You don't get a pass for being drunk this time, but don't fucking drink if you can't keep your hands to yourself. Ffs I quit drinking bc I kept peeing myself in my sleep, I think you have much better reason than me
Doesn't matter of it's sexy, it's crucial. And most people appreciate being considerate enough to ask for consent.
If you are dating someone who is turned off by you asking for consent, run. I dated someone like this once and they turned out to be very mentally unstable.
Even if she’s verbally allowed someone to touch before, ask again.
I’m surprised you haven’t been taught about informed consent. It’s super important!
She said no. Move on. Friend zoned. Happens to everyone. It sucks I know. All you can do is say sorry, i thought there was chemistry. If she doesn’t respond, Move on.
Go get help if you feel suicidal. People make poor decisions all the time. You can't change the past but you can ensure you never make tye same mistake again. Grow and learn. We are human.
This is really the only thing OP needs to see.
Informed affirmative consent, and there’s no reason it can’t be sexy or dirty talk.
“I want to make out with you” is way more sexy than going in for a kiss and getting rebuffed because you misread the cues
rape much?
there are way better ways to ask than you said here. some other posters have mentioned some good options above and below.
>I did not rape her and I was not attempting to rape her.
No, you DID attempt to rape her when you stuck your hands between her legs. Just because you weren't violating her with your penis doesn't mean it wasn't attempted rape. You were trying to touch her vagina and/or penetrate her. The line between sexual assault and full blown rape is pretty thin and just because you didn't continue to cross that line doesn't mean that isn't what you intended. You're a fucking disgusting person and shouldn't be alone with a woman ever.
>will in due time prepare a formal and in-depth apology where I plan to detail what exactly I am sorry for
Maybe actually leave her the fuck alone. Victims of sexual assault don't like to hear from the people who assault them. You'd only be apologizing to make yourself feel better. There's a reason why she doesn't want to hear your apology and that's because she doesn't want to have to make you feel better for being a predator. Leave her ALONE
21 is an adult and attempted rape isn't "a good person who fucked up". A good person who fucked up is getting too drunk and throwing up, not trying to forcibly assault someone else. At 21 you should know not to touch someone without consent.
Not even friendzoned, dude tried to rape her. "Oh sorry I touched you repeatedly without your consent, I assumed there was chemistry". What the fuck kind of reasoning is that?
You have serious psychological issues
Well first of all, I would like to applaud you for taking responsibility for your actions. As far as how you are going to live with yourself, you just need to put your big boy pants on and do it. You spoke to her after the fact and she essentially told you to get lost. So do it. And stop drinking. Clearly you can't handle your booze. The problem with alcohol is it magnifies personality traits that are already there. If you can't trust yourself to seek out consent when drunk then stay sober.
Rape culture talk. Anything can be defined as rape if you want it to.
Man you seem to have an answer to everything, reading your comments I am getting a politician vibe from you. Just the way you are responding to questions.
You are young, you did a huge mistake (but you stopped), and you have probably lost a friend.
Now…I’m sorry but you’ll have to deal with it. It’s okay. I just hope it will teach you to not try this again.
The good thing is that you seem to regret it, so it means that you somewhat understand the issue.
You have no idea how many did that kind of mistakes. Just learn from it and be better.
I advise you to leave her alone, unless she wants to talk with you, and talk to someone (psychologist for example).
You do not deserve to die for this.
Make sure you carry a stack of sexual consent forms next to your condoms. Never know when they might come in handy.
I read that as, provide a full written confession of your crime so that she can choose to prosecute you if she wants. But that’s just me.
I’ve said this a dozen times now, my intent is not to defend him whatsoever. My point was that he was too drunk to consider asking for consent and even if he did that he probably wouldn’t be able to stop because he was at that level of being drunk. HE IS BEYOND WRONG but I can’t arrest this dude in another country so at the end of the day I’m only gonna tell him how he should move forward rather than berate this guy and inch him closer to doing something he’s already considering.
I despise him for what he did but people slamming him for not asking for consent are dense because being “too” drunk to make sound decisions is very much individually based. I could cut this guy down a million times for making the decision he did but that’s not my place or yours. He’s asking how to go forward and I did just that in an earlier comment.
You're right. He's not actually a rapist. He did however sexually assault his friend and if she chooses to report the crime and he's prosecuted I hope no one like you is on that jury because he DID sexually assault her and he should face consequences for that.
From someone who has been molested by "friends" its awful specially bcs it has happen with people i was comfortable with and would never think they would do something like that to me.
I am glad you understand that it was wrong and u want to apologize(even tho it probably wont change how she feels(at least it didnt with me)but who knows) if i were u i would give her some space, she seems to need it so dont insist she can think that u only want to apologize to her to do something again or maybe she is not comfortable being with u anymore. Whatever it is just keep in mind she went through a lot and what matters is for her to be ok...not how she feels about you nor what will happen between u two I would also recommend talking with someone. I hope this is the first time u did something like this and it doesnt have to be a therapist but at least someone that will listen and try to help you so you wont want to unalive urself bcs even tho what u did is bad you did stop and u did realize that you did something terrible(there is hope). Dont torture urself bcs of something that happen in the past u wont be able to change it im not saying u should just move on but i think u should just take a deep breath and think what can u do to live with that bcs if everyone decided to kill themselves the second they did something they regretted deeply then alot of people would be dead.
Pls work on urself and make sure she is ok dont press on her too much let her have space but if u get the chance to talk to her make sure she is feeling better! I hope i helped at least and btw im sorry if any word is wrong engkish is not my first language.
Edit: thank you for mentioning u did have alcohol in ur sistem but not blaming ur actions on it really that means alot to me since thats a very very common excuse!
Sounds like exactly what my ex did to keep me trapped with him for almost 4 years.
Yeah you're right...
I have empathy. For the victim. The woman who trusted her friend after having someone previously sexually assault her only for this friend to turn around and sexually assault her too.
You can have empathy for the assailant as much as you want, you can defend his actions and try to make him feel better for assaulting a woman but at the end of the day he did assault her. There's no changing that and if you're willing to condone the assault and give him a pass for his actions then you're part of the problem.
Look, people have been doing enough criticism without the constructive part. Yes, we can all acknowledge that this was a life changing event. The question is what is appropriate moving forward.
My first thought is don't contact her. Anything between you and her is now forevermore completely up to her.
My next thought is that despite the immense difficulty involved in acting out this decision, go to the police and report the sexual assault. Yes this could be emotionally damaging to the woman having to relive this, but if it isn't dealt with in a positive therapeutic way it will have much bigger psychological impacts if left unaddressed.
Doing that is incredibly difficult and scary. Thinking that is selfish. It's also COMPLETELY NATURAL to be worried about the consequences to yourself. We are people, not messiah's.
You have a choice to do something scary but is right. You will still have a life moving forward. You will correct these actions. You didn't drunk drive and kill someone.
I'm not certified in any way to give counsel or shit like that, this is just my thoughts. It is bad, it could have been MUCH worse. Take responsibility, and I truly wish you the best moving forwards with your life.
He had no reason to believe she was open to sex. He got too drunk and had no self control. He didn't respect her when she said no. It's all rather simple. I don't think he's a monster, I do think he has seriously fucked up. I do think if she wants to seek an answer to this in the judicial system he should be rightfully found guilty. Which is where I took umbrage with your earlier comment. If she seeks to report this to the police and charges are brought I would hope that 12 reasonable people could see this for the sexual assault it is.
Also wild for you to come at me assuming double standards. It's not about the first attempt to reach in her pants. It's about the fact that she clearly told him no and he continued. In the reverse situation I would still be adamant that a woman on the same situation would be guilty of sexually assaulting her friend.
Also "a good portion 1000 twenty-one year old guys drunk in a makeshift bed with their girl friend would also attempt sexual assault" is not really the argument you think it is.
Stay away from alcohol and get some therapy. STAT!
He sexually assaulted her.
Talk about it to the police. Don’t put the burden on her to report it knowing full well that most women don’t out of fear that nothing will happen about it. Turn yourself in and pay your debt to society
Did she give you any indication that she was into you? You know flirting, touching you excessively, you do the same thing with her prior, giving you “fuck me eyes”. Basically, did you both escalate to the point where you were sure she was attracted to you? Like would you have been confident that if you went for a kiss she would want it?
I’ll be honest, it’s hard to gauge how much you fucked up considering the circumstance. You two had been talking a lot, like bf/gfs do. She opened up to you and I suspect she had feelings for you. She wanted you to spend the night and laid mattresses next to each other. Now I have no idea if those were the only sleeping options, but, why didn’t she just sleep in her bed and you on the couch? Did she have to lay both mattress next to each other? To me laying mattress next to each other when not needed is fishing for something considering how long you two had been talking to one another. If she had been flirting with you, dropping hints, touching you excessively, etc,., then I frankly wouldn’t blame you touching her out of being an idiot. Actually, that was pretty stupid even if the situation was how I laid it out. You’d want to at least stare into her eyes and read her face if she was interested in you and then mutually lean in for a kiss, then escalate from there. You didn’t though, you just went for it and groped her chest which was dumb. I actually think if you went at it differently you two could have actually developed something for the fact that she said she didn’t mind you touching her boobs and the other reasons I mentioned. Basically, I think she might have been interested in you but was cautious not ready for anything and you like an impulse dumbass couldn’t respect that and jumped the gun before she let it known to you through her actions or words that she was interested in escalating things. You apologized and she’s upset. I would frankly drop it at this point. Leave her alone, talking to her anymore will only make things worse. If she wants yo hear from you again she’ll reach out to you. If that happens, all you can do is be honest and tell her exactly what was going through your head when it happened. I know a lot of people here are giving you a lot of shit, but while I think you did fuck up and did cross the line, it wasn’t out of malice. She was no angel herself. A woman doesn’t invite a guy for a sleepover, then sleeps next to him when she has an option not to do so (I’m assuming she slept next to you out of choice and not out of necessity), and not at least have feelings for him. You obviously realized your fuck up and maybe she can learn from this situation as well, like don’t sleep next to a guy you’ve been talking for hours everyday for months who you invited for a sleepover, and then slept next to him. People will say don’t victim blame, but being realistic she fucked too and hopefully she learns to be less trusting of men in situations like those unless she’s interested in him sexually. You feel awful about this, you don’t seem like a predator, just a young dumb kid, no reason to go off into the deep end and think of ending your life. You stopped after being told to do so. You have a conscious, you’re not a heartless monster. Learn from this, respect women’s choices, and don’t just assume she’s ready for something even if she seems interested in it.
Sounds like Becky needs to take this as her "fool me twice" and a walk away.
Also sounds like you need to evaluate consent and boundaries in your life. Be better for the next Becky in your life and let this Becky heal.
You hit it on the head with that one. He clearly knows he has a problem, idk why he felt the need to out himself like this. Stay off the internet and go get some help.
Have I been speaking french or something. You are right, he is wrong. What's your view past this point?
MAJOR fuck up. She told you to play with her tits, and you still went for the sausage wallet?
Might want to stay away from alcohol forever, bro.
In my honest opinion it would be best to just give her space and stay distant from her and if at some point she wants to talk then by all means but if she doesn’t then respect her wishes and try to get some help because my god man
Assuming that the story is 100% true(never the case), I feel like the first time very well could have been a misunderstanding but it does seem sketch because he was drunk. That being said, according to the story, she really wanted to see him, invited him over to stay the night, had beds pushed together, etc. This was a romantic night where neither party communicated what was and wasn't appropriate. Two young people not planning things out well or communicating well is a bit rough to start calling him a sexual predator. The second time after she put explicit boundaries, he's hit assault and the situation got very rapey. Chick is very well in the right mindset to ghost him. That being said, dude needs to not drink and get counseling. He clearly has some serious issues and needs to get to a point where he loves himself before he starts trying to love someone else. I'm very sorry for the girl, but the first part is on her as well for not communicating her boundaries. Both parties are wrong for not communicating. It sounds like both parties have a need for counseling and self-love. Dude needs to completely stop drinking. Learn from it, thank God that it wasn't worse. Leave the girl alone and stop sexually assaulting people. No means no, even 5 minutes and some cuddles later.
Dude why would you think it’s ok to touch her if you never had that connection
Yes. No "I assumed." Ever.
Thank you for being more understanding than I could ever ask for. I am so sorry that you had to go through what I put her through and I hope you're doing better. I am trying not to torture myself about it but it really fucked with the way I think of myself and I'm having a difficult time to find the right way to accept what happened, I want to accept it and move forward but I don't want to deal with it as "something that happened, gotta move on" either. Don't worry about your english, you're doing great and it's actually my second language too (or forth language, depending on how you count). And also thank you for understanding why I mentioned that I was drunk and that I am not trying to shove the blame off to the alcohol.
I would just get some mild charges for this (it's pretty fucked tbh, there should be a more sever punishment imo) and again, I'm genuinely worried that it would draw attention to her and put her in another situation she is not comfortable in. I don't want to burden her with it but at the same time I don't want to make any more decisions that effect her in any way without clear feedback from her ever again, be it compensation through the legal system or anything else. I'm scared shitless that it's gonna be the wrong decision.
So you get to traumatize her and go away scot free? You’re a rapist.
From what I understand though, sleeping next to her friends at sleepovers is something she sometimes does. That did not have to mean anything. I don't believe she made a mistake by trusting me to not cross any boundaries and it goes without saying that I did make a mistake in breaking that trust, regardless of what else happened. She never said anything clear about being interested in me and she has been romantically interested in other people in the meantime. Maybe things could have been different, who knows, but that's not what happened anyhow.
Thank you for encouraging me to do the right thing. Really, that means so much to me.
I don't want to go away scot free, I really do not. And I am thinking about turning myself in. I don't mind having to pay charges, I am fine with getting an entry in my criminal records for this and I am also willing to tell my family and friends about this as soon as I am ready to, which I am moving towards. I'm so afraid of causing any more harm, of making her relive it again. You don't have to tell me that I deserve punishment, that's not the part I'm questioning, it's really really not. But do you truly believe that it would be in her best interest? Because if so, I want to do it. I want to do whatever I can. I'm just not sure about anything anymore is all
Generally speaking, it’s in everybody’s best interest for a rapist to be held accountable and actually get punishment yeah
Ok, thank you. Hearing this helps so much. Thank you, really.
For the record I still think it’s odd/naïve to be sleeping next to a person of the opposite gender out of choice. Regardless, I think you’re both young and dumb. I think you both learned a powerful lesson from this and I hope you both come out unscathed. From the sounds of it, you’re never going to make this mistake ever again, all you can do is learn from it, and move on with your life. I wish the best for the young lady as well. Some bad things in life can be for the best. This situation might have been what you needed to put your ass in place and prevent an even worse mistake. This event could have also taught her to be more careful which might save her ass in the future from an actual would be rape. Not all bad things in life are necessarily bad, sometimes those bad things lead to good things.
Thank you for the kind words!
All i want to say is please dont torture urself u stopped when she asked and even tho it was bad what u did u realize that and take full responsability thats the first step! Its going to be a process and it will probably hurt and u will hate it but at least you are trying. I think its in moments like this that u need to take care of urself. Something i believe in is that there are no monsters in the world there are just people who make choices and take positions i believe that it is great that u care for this situation and u want to make things diferent bcs i know people who wouldnt torture themselves for something like that and wouldnt even mind what they did and would probably do it again. Thats what makes u diferent from other cenarios . So dont be so hard on urself or at least not as much as necessary in ur point of view.
I guess maybe u will never accept it sometimes we dont need to accept stuff u just have to know that it happen and u were wrong for what u did and that will stuck with u but at least u know that u will never do it again i bet there are people who even after hating what they did they do it again and this happens in alot of other cenarios.
Just know that if u need someone to talk to im here i dont promise im the best at giving advices but i can listen. All i really want if for both of u to be ok and to take care of ur mental health. And dont thank me for being understanding i really admire u for being able to talk about it and taking responsability and facing ur actions ig a part of me wishes that my "friends" had done the same but this post gives me hope somehow so thank you !
Take care and know that u matter too. Its not bcs u are not the victim that it makes ur feeling invalid its perfectly understandable that ur have a hard time. Just work on urself and take care!
I think that if she's going to put out mixed signals and invite someone to sleep with them, she should communicate as well. The first time could have been avoided on either party. He shouldn't have been drunk, she should have set expectations before. The second time 100% was him getting rapey. I clearly stated this. He might have genuinely thought that she was into him. Who knows,we have a one sided story and I doubt it went down as he claims and it was most likely much worse...again though, read my comment. I just said that with no communication and her saying that she really wanted to see him and inviting him over to sleep then doing a makeshift king-size bed to share, I can understand a scenario where it was an honest mistake. Add in that she might have been okay with other things like breast play. You're assuming more than what was given in the story. I am not.
[deleted] t1_j1nrg4o wrote