Submitted by 3oclockam t3_zyydoe in tifu

I consider myself to be of reasonable intelligence but today I was just outsmarted by my dinosaur guru 3 year old and I feel like I have been taken down a peg or two.

It all started when we got new name tag stickers for when my son starts kindergarten. His mother let him have one sheet of stickers for fun, to which he promptly started laying claim to all the toys, his brother's included.

Before too much territory was lost, I quickly claimed I had already put a sticker ontop of the TV with my name on it. My son asked if he could see it, to which I said "its ontop you can't see it", "Oh" he replied. Feeling victorious I left the room to get his bedtime ready. While my son's bedroom routine was being completed by my wife, I retreated back to the TV, gleeful to put something exciting on. I looked down on the remote and in a big red sticker read "Tim"*... you little shit...... can't use the TV without the remote... fuck me.

TL;DR 3 yr old son used name tag stickers to lay claim to everything. Thinking I was being clever I said the TV had my name on the top. To which my son retaliated by putting his name sticker on the TV remote.

*name replaced for anonymity



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fliguana t1_j28er06 wrote


In a few years, Timmy can show you how to use tv without the remote.


Roq456 t1_j28ggmh wrote

Grandmaster mode enabled at the age of three. This little guy will flourish.


DoIKnowYouHuman t1_j28gic8 wrote

Tim must be stopped! Put your name on all the batteries!


akai_tsubaki t1_j28nks1 wrote

Actually , lot new TV's can be controlled by smartphone.


OkVolume1 t1_j28nojp wrote

Kid sure knows how to stick it to ya.


thrwaway9932 t1_j28tep0 wrote

Yeah I got a Chromecast, and sometimes I can't find the remote, then I'd open up Google Home and just open the virtual remote there. Not ideal since you can't feel the buttons, but hey, it works

(Or you could go out and buy a universal remote, y'know. Remember to put a sticker on that one lol)!

Enjoy fighting for control over the TV with two remotes lol.


fenrslfr t1_j2930o5 wrote

You are screwed if he puts one on mom.


aurealius t1_j29mr1x wrote

It was super fun. Those tv's in waiting rooms? I used to change the channel to something good instead of gameshows and news. Most receptionists didnt notice but was fun watching them constantly trying to out remote me.


malex117 t1_j2ag6yh wrote

This is cute. I’m in Tim’s team!


braveabandon t1_j2aldra wrote

Idk man i would just put my sticker on my kid and say whats yours is mine, and whats mine is mine... And yours :p


Fab-_- t1_j2aqjng wrote

tell him that u legally changed his name but don't tell him what u changed it to.


oNOCo t1_j2b15fw wrote

Put a sticker with your name on him so everything he owns you own


Robobvious t1_j2bjbg2 wrote

“The Tv and the remote count as one item because they need each other to work, you can’t claim what has already been claimed. …Also it’s not yours and a sticker doesn’t change that.”

Alternatively put your name on the front door when you get home tomorrow and leave him outside for a second, lol. 😂


Imafish12 t1_j2c5b9a wrote

Have you put a sticker on his forehead yet?


AccomplishedRow6685 t1_j2c8159 wrote

This reminds me of the one where the girl asks her dad to make a sandwich, and he tells her to help make , and she’s like, I don’t make sandwiches; I eat sandwiches.


ipadminihalf t1_j2cbohw wrote

Smart kid, but you can still win. Remove the batteries from that remote, buy a new one and put your name sticker on it.


primeline31 t1_j2ce1gs wrote

Is this a training video? It seems pointless otherwise.


splithoofiewoofies t1_j2cnok6 wrote

You should be so proud. I mean, you're absolutely fucked, but you should be proud.


Fia__ t1_j2cueum wrote

Why did this annoy me so much


technicalevolution t1_j2d0ifl wrote

I told my 4yo to stop eating butter out of the pot that was on the table...the instant reply of "but you eat it on sandwiches." Had me.