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OGkateebee t1_j1xbpyp wrote

Jesus Christ. My TIFU was reading this thread two months before I’m scheduled to get my tonsils out at 38. Omg. I’m terrified now.


Fireblade09 OP t1_j1xdguw wrote

It’s pretty rare and now you know what to avoid!


1000Years0fDeath t1_j1yb1qx wrote

Drink water constantly. Don't go longer than 4 hours without drinking water. Do that and you'll be fine


thepineapplesuprise t1_j1yzxm9 wrote

If you go over to /tonsillectomy they have a lot of posts and things that are helpful. You can ask questions on there as well as usually you’ll be able to find someone to help pretty quickly.


Lloyd959 t1_j1yo79e wrote

I'm going to the doctor in January to make my appointment. Wish you best of luck fellow anxious commenter!