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OchoZeroCinco t1_j2b7wqc wrote

Ha.. that is entirely my point! It's a way to stick them without a good response. Lol.. i know from experience as my college roommate was one of the biggest dealers around, and despite the stereotype of laid back stoners, these people were some of the moodiest people around. Cannabis is so easy to get nowadayz most people are level now, but I love flipping switch on my friends when they get moody. 4:19 Tim is not like 4:21 Tim. Lol


OchoZeroCinco t1_j2bdpy0 wrote

How did i get downvoted from sharing real experience about cannabis and people? Damn, somebody needs a little dab.


DataSquid2 t1_j2bv1sz wrote

Because everything you wrote reads as passive aggressive and the general sentiment of your comments are really bad advice for a workplace regardless of it they likely smoke pot or not.

A simple "Yeah, I fucked up" is a lot better than pretty much anything else in a situation like OPs or for most workplaces in general. Substitute that with whatever language is appropriate for your workplace.

Taking ownership of your mistakes is just the easiest way to diffuse most workplace fuck ups.


OchoZeroCinco t1_j2bvfi7 wrote

I guess TIFU by offending someone on reddit.


AlfaBetaZulu t1_j2d6a4i wrote

As a pothead it didn't come off passive aggressive to me. Didn't come off as anymore than a funny story. People on Reddit just have no sense of humor. The downvotes actually backup what you said even more. Lol

But don't let downvotes bother you. They mean nothing and are usually from people who just give them out for no valid reason.

Anyway hope you and everyone have a good day. But don't let a few bad apples get you down.
