Today I fucked up in a way that I never could have imagined.
It all started when I received a call from my ex-girlfriend, who I hadn't spoken to in months. She was crying and begged me to come over because she was feeling overwhelmed and needed someone to talk to.
At first, I was hesitant to go see her. I mean, we had broken up for a reason and I didn't want to risk getting hurt again. But then I started thinking about all the good times we had shared and how much I had missed her. I convinced myself that I could just go talk to her as a friend and offer her some comfort.
So, I drove over to her house and we talked for hours about everything that had gone wrong in our relationship and how much we missed each other. It was like no time had passed at all and we were able to reconnect in a way that we hadn't been able to before.
As the night went on, we started to get closer and before I knew it, we were kissing and making up. It felt so good to be in each other's arms again and I forgot about all the pain and hurt that had driven us apart.
But as the sun started to rise, I realized that I had made a huge mistake. I was in a committed relationship with someone else and I had just cheated on them. The guilt and shame I felt was overwhelming and I knew that I had to tell my partner what had happened.
I drove home with a heavy heart, knowing that I had just ruined the most important relationship in my life. When I got home, I sat my partner down and told them everything. I begged for their forgiveness and promised that I would do anything to make it right.
In the end, my partner was devastated and heartbroken. They couldn't believe that I had betrayed them like that and they didn't know if they could ever trust me again. I understand their pain and I would do anything to take back what I did.
I know that I have a long road ahead of me to earn back their trust and repair the damage I've caused. But I'm willing to do whatever it takes, even if it means going to therapy and working on myself for a long time. I just hope that my partner can find it in their heart to forgive me and give me a chance to make things right.
TL;DR: Reconnected with my ex and cheated on my current gf
ConsiderationFar2038 t1_j2a4jjz wrote
Honestly the person you cheated on deserves to move on and find someone else.