Submitted by Ltislande t3_zz8u2f in tifu

Today I fucked up in a way that I never could have imagined.

It all started when I received a call from my ex-girlfriend, who I hadn't spoken to in months. She was crying and begged me to come over because she was feeling overwhelmed and needed someone to talk to.

At first, I was hesitant to go see her. I mean, we had broken up for a reason and I didn't want to risk getting hurt again. But then I started thinking about all the good times we had shared and how much I had missed her. I convinced myself that I could just go talk to her as a friend and offer her some comfort.

So, I drove over to her house and we talked for hours about everything that had gone wrong in our relationship and how much we missed each other. It was like no time had passed at all and we were able to reconnect in a way that we hadn't been able to before.

As the night went on, we started to get closer and before I knew it, we were kissing and making up. It felt so good to be in each other's arms again and I forgot about all the pain and hurt that had driven us apart.

But as the sun started to rise, I realized that I had made a huge mistake. I was in a committed relationship with someone else and I had just cheated on them. The guilt and shame I felt was overwhelming and I knew that I had to tell my partner what had happened.

I drove home with a heavy heart, knowing that I had just ruined the most important relationship in my life. When I got home, I sat my partner down and told them everything. I begged for their forgiveness and promised that I would do anything to make it right.

In the end, my partner was devastated and heartbroken. They couldn't believe that I had betrayed them like that and they didn't know if they could ever trust me again. I understand their pain and I would do anything to take back what I did.

I know that I have a long road ahead of me to earn back their trust and repair the damage I've caused. But I'm willing to do whatever it takes, even if it means going to therapy and working on myself for a long time. I just hope that my partner can find it in their heart to forgive me and give me a chance to make things right.

TL;DR: Reconnected with my ex and cheated on my current gf



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ConsiderationFar2038 t1_j2a4jjz wrote

Honestly the person you cheated on deserves to move on and find someone else.


kappsylen t1_j2a5ff5 wrote

The second you even decided to go to your ex, with whatever intention, you messed up mate.


BLarson31 t1_j2a77ov wrote

I'm not saying it's impossible, it does happen of course. But chances are that trust can never be fully repaired. Even if she gets to a point where she wants to try and wants to trust you. Odds are she won't fully.


briang123 t1_j2a8jl7 wrote

You obviously still had feelings for your ex if you could still comfort her like that. You need to realize that your current girlfriend didn't mean as much to you if you were willing to spend anytime on your ex.


Cichlidsaremyjam t1_j2aavna wrote

I was with you for the first half. Going back to an ex, we've all done that. Once you mentioned you were already in a relationship, thats different, fucked up indeed.


tqhp1 t1_j2aawbb wrote

This reads like something you would post on your social media in middle school hoping your significant other reads it after they ignore your text messages.


l3g3ndairy t1_j2ablfi wrote

Nah man. You need to let your current partner go. It's not fair to ask someone to trust you again after that, and I think it's pretty clear that you don't actually love your current partner. If you did, you wouldn't have gone and seen your ex like that. You knew what you were doing. I'm not saying you're a terrible person for doing it, but if you were willing to cheat on your partner then she's not the one and it's horribly selfish and cruel to expect her to move past your infidelity.


beardedgamerdad t1_j2abxt5 wrote

I'd've told my ex to get bent (in the nicest way possible) if I was in a new relationship. The hell you going over there for? She's an ex for a reason, my guy.

You screwed yourself over and hurt your partner. No amount of saying you are sorry is going to fix that. I will be surprised if you are still in a relationship in a very near future.


flipsidebook t1_j2admji wrote

all it took was one call with her crying? wow


yager50 t1_j2ae48k wrote

No regrest after sex


WelcomeSubstantial25 t1_j2aegwh wrote

You should have learned a lesson and kept your mouth shut, providing there was no other reason she would have found out. You screwed up, but you learned a valuable lesson. Confessing made your behavior her problem; now she has to deal with this. I know it sounds sketchy, but if you truly learned your lesson, you should have not hurt her with the truth, kept your mouth shut, and let it fade.


jemmi27 t1_j2afmlx wrote

You were just thinking with your little brain honestly... Hope they don't forgive you


Chance_Assignment422 t1_j2afwg3 wrote

Wow, you managed to garner some sympathy in the first half, but really ended that story looking like an asshole. You should’ve started with “I’m in a committed relationship but decided to go comfort my ex” and the foreshadowing would’ve written the rest.


seasamgo t1_j2ah4s0 wrote

>I'm not saying you're a terrible person for doing it

Eh, I'll say that. This wasn't just a slip up, it was a deliberate runway walk down the street to fucking their current partner over.


Abject-Ad6914 t1_j2aixjg wrote

How can someone accidentally cheat on their girlfriend with their ex 😭


Aapeso4444 t1_j2ajqui wrote

How is your current relationship “the most important” but clearly wasn’t important enough to leave your ex be . Maybe you need to just be with your ex …….


Horror_Quick t1_j2ajuhm wrote

Time for some alone time, and self reflection. See u at the gym, bro...


Zaynara t1_j2akndo wrote

you're a dumbass, but this is the right place, this is a serious tifu alright.


WelcomeSubstantial25 t1_j2aku0z wrote

Not saying he was moral in any way. But if realizing his mistake made him realize his relationship was precious, then he could have kept his mouth shut, invested in the relationship, and moved forward. Will he cheat again, I don’t f’ing know. If he does, he’s shite and deserves the misery. But after this one indiscretion if he doesn’t cheat anymore, she’s no worse for not knowing, he cherishes his relationship, and they carry on. But thinking because you admit guilt that she’s going to appreciate his honesty, you’re seriously overestimating people. If my girlfriend, had a one time screw with a former boyfriend, then realized it was wrong and won’t do it ever again and decides not to tell me, then the problem is solved without me being hurt and suspicious from then on. Of course, if he can’t keep it in his pants after that, he’s shite, and she should move on.


SoapySage t1_j2akxa6 wrote

Once a cheater always a cheater, your current gf needs to move on and find someone better. Ex's are ex's for a reason, you should never go back to them, not even humor a conversation with them.


BLarson31 t1_j2amec5 wrote

I'm sure she'd love to find out later and potentially from someone else, all after more time and emotional investment.

She deserves to know and it's cruel to not tell her so that she can make a decision about continuing the relationship with all the available information.


MtnMaiden t1_j2an5ri wrote


Easy to lose. Hard to earn.


SlowCrates t1_j2anps0 wrote

Sometimes it takes crossing a line to respect it. It doesn't necessarily mean you don't love your partner, or that you weren't sincere in your guilt and desire to make things right. But we, humans, learn through experience. It's the most efficient way to find out how we feel. With that information we can grow as people, and become better. Or, you know, lean into the mistake and become worse people. But the mistake in and of itself does not make you a bad person and it doesn't mean your girlfriend is better off without you. It means you didn't handle the situation correctly. What you decide to do in the future will say much more about who you are.


Mammons-HotBuns t1_j2ap91p wrote

What thought process led you to your choices that culminated in you cheating on your current partner? Because I can’t think of any rational ones.


mattlanes t1_j2app06 wrote

I hope you can work it out with you current girlfriend but that may not be what's best for anyone involved. The fact that you went to your ex's place means to me that there is part of you that wants to get back together.
You may not agree but look at what you wrote here. You didn't once mention anything about helping your ex with her problems that were so overwhelming. Instead your whole story was about resolving all the old problems of your former relationship....
You only felt bad when you realized you had to go back home and explain. You need to really think about what you want and who you want that with


violinlady_ t1_j2apt46 wrote

It’s totally shit , but hats up to you for coming clean. 80% arsehole 20% good guy. Honesty is best .

It’s horrible to be cheated on / horrible to cheat on. But sometimes things happen for a reason.


KBunn t1_j2aqn2y wrote

I'd suggest you suffer from a serious lack of imagination.

However the fact that you didn't tell your partner what you were doing leads me to think that you may just be underselling your planning and forethought in this instance.


Huawei198 t1_j2aqohs wrote

You really fucked up today, mate.


raquelss14 t1_j2aqw95 wrote

You should definitely step away from your partners life. You didn't make a "huge mistake", if your ex didn't force herself on you, you made a choice, you have to live with it.


WelcomeSubstantial25 t1_j2aqy0b wrote

As if anyone in this chat doesn’t have some secret that would screw up their life if people found out. It could be theft, physical or emotional abuse, anything against the norm. But we have no problem chastising actions of others without considering our own. So, it is to be assumed that if you were in a great relationship and your “other” made a mistake of having sex with an ex one time, but then realized it was a terrible mistake and the life alternating affect it would have if you found out, you would rather have your perfect relationship end by being told the truth about a single indiscretion. The world is filled with mistakes we all make. This is no habitual cheater. Taking them at their word they didn’t do it before and won’t do it again. Telling on yourself out of guilt, ruining a great relationship when there’s no way of your partner knowing about one indiscretion, means you have a child’s view of what’s right and what’s wrong. Grow up.


Im3th0sI t1_j2avarr wrote

What everyone else said. Even you freely admitted you had broken up for a reason yet decided to cheat on your current gf anyway.

Trust is like paper, once crumpled it can never be what it was. Time to move on from what you have right now, it'll never be the same. Your SO will be forever wandering if you're with someone else and suspicion will only sour things. It's not going to get better, only worse.

Besides, your SO deserves to be with someone that actually cares about who they're with.


EmRatio t1_j2azcud wrote

Well that was a stupid decision.


itsfnvintage t1_j2azi7n wrote

Right haha.. I had an ex's friend get in touch with me and be like "she just broke up with so and so and it's just devastated could you maybe talk to her and console her" That's gonna be a no from me dog.. I hadn't talked to her on years and was a bit shocked that I was the first option. Remember the good memories but leave that shit in the past.


blitzfreak_69 t1_j2azr3j wrote

Time for his gf to move on. OP sorry but you're a f-ing asshole for this, there's no way in hell you didn't know what you were doing. Work on yourself and all that, sure, but away from the poor girl, what'd she do to deserve it?


carmackie t1_j2b0zto wrote

"Reconnecting with an ex GF" read a lot better than "TIFU by being a scumbag cheater"


SnowyDeluxe t1_j2b14hp wrote

You know, I often feel like a dumbass but then I read posts like this and realize I’m not. Thanks OP.


molossus99 t1_j2b4ule wrote

You fucked up big time and hopefully your current gf will move on as she deserves better and you deserve to feel the full weight of the damage you caused. It’s wasn’t just a mistake. It was a deliberate choice to betray your gf. Learn from this. Never cheat. Ever. I’m crossing my fingers she has the sense to not try to stay with you — it’s terrible from the perspective of the one being cheated on.


MrMMudd t1_j2b5oft wrote

Oh nice, so you decided to be a piece of shit to two people then?


I_Need_Leaded_GAS t1_j2b66pb wrote

That forgiveness ship has sailed bud. Sorry that’s never coming back.


charleswj t1_j2b6lf2 wrote

OP wrote this like that new Glass Onion. You get half way through and suddenly the whole plot changes


NeedsWit t1_j2b7ah7 wrote

Never confess (unless warranted by the situation or partner's enquiry) just to offload the guilt. It serves noone, the guilt is yours alone to bear. It's stupid to add another mistake to the first one.


Azrahiel t1_j2b8sav wrote

I know this is what the sub is for but...Ya'll need to stop putting this stuff online.


TraditionalPayment20 t1_j2bavbv wrote

Leave her alone. You don’t deserve her. Straight up trash ass man trying to cry his way back to her after running to his damn ex. Your ass KNEW what you were doing. Your ass wasn’t possessed by a ghost. You went there to fuck your ex and you did. Your current gf deserves better than trash like you. Boy, bye!!


banjoman2222 t1_j2bcsp6 wrote

Did the ex know you were in a relationship too? If so, she’s as big an arse as you are. Chances are, she’d been hurt by someone, was feeling a bit down, and thought that getting you round her house and into bed would boost her ego, especially if she could get you to choose her over your current girlfriend….what an ego boost. She’s probably feeling great about herself now, meanwhile your girlfriend feels like shit and so do you.


Hopepersonified t1_j2bd4al wrote

Let your gf go. Don't put yourselves through the torture of trying to earn her trust and forgiveness. Separate and let it happen organically and if you're meant to get back together you will.


tofujones t1_j2bi5v3 wrote

But it is. People need to stop using rebound relationships to try to fix their issues and continually breaking people and using them as an emotional crutch. It's nothing, but excuses.

If you're capable of loving more than one, then that's your business. EVERYONE needs to consent. Not cheating in a monogamous relationship is not hard.


DickyMcDoodle t1_j2biw5g wrote

Now you need to wait for her to start seeing someone and call her up crying.....


Bagaudi45 t1_j2bmcf1 wrote

Is it still cheating if you’ve already been there before?!?



Electrical_Touch_379 t1_j2buzkq wrote

"my partner was devastated and heartbroken. They couldn't believe that I had betrayed them like that and they didn't know if they could ever trust me again."

THEY ???? 🤔🤔🤔🤔


floridaman250 t1_j2c1x1z wrote

I'd breakup with your current partner out of respect. If they're even thinking of being with you still they are not making a wise decision. You fucked up hard now it's time to be a man and move on..


Rollan000 t1_j2c7nk0 wrote

You can’t just go and console another woman while in a committed relationship. The intentions may be pure but emotional conversations lead to vulnerability and attraction. Just don’t do it.


Wheaties08 t1_j2cbjmm wrote

Never should've gone to your ex. But, unless u got an STD or her pregnant, u shouldn't have told your current partner. Don't make her feel bad so you can feel better. You fucked up. Live with the guilt and shame.

Everyone thinks you should come clean, you only come clean if it has altering consequences. Like a child or std. You're a POS for doing it, you should have to live with it. Instead you unloaded ur shit on them, and you feel better for coming clean, and now they feel like shit.


pamonmedia t1_j2ce720 wrote

Hope u at least banged the ex for that new breakup coming. I mean if it were just cuddling and then a breakup I wouldn’t have told new person. Make up something n move on


partypwny t1_j2cj1ps wrote

To be honest that's a shitty thing to do. Ask for forgiveness after that is incredibly selfish. You should apologize, pack your shit, and leave. They deserve better than that.


rachelcp t1_j2cj2a4 wrote

You had a girlfriend and you decided to secretly visit an ex alone? How did you think this was going to turn out?

If you have a girlfriend you don't start bringing up old flings. And you definitely don't visit them alone, especially definitely not "because of all the memories you have together" and you definitely DEFINITELY don't secretly go to their house. If for some reason you absolutely must see an ex i.e someones going to die or lose a lot of money not we missed each other, then you bring others and you try to meet in public.

The moment you noticed your ex had messaged you and you decided not to even mention it to your soon to be ex is the moment you really fucked up.

If you were to rewind time and do things the right way around it would be something like this

Ex messages you

Hey babe my ex just messaged me. weird.

Oh what did she say?

She seems all depressed and shit. I think maybe we could get a few friends together and invite her to the arcade or something to cheer her up. (I.e not her house and not alone)

Is she suicidal, mourning or is someone in the hospital?


I love how much you care about others but she'll be fine, tell her that you've got a girlfriend now.

Txt to ex: hey I'm sorry you're going through a hard time but I've got a girlfriend you can't just keep texting me like this. I hope you find a good therapist and friends that get you through this.


whosmansisthis24 t1_j2cj5t9 wrote

Sorry OP but people like you are exactly the reason I have trust issues.

Can't trust anybody these days and that's the truth. Itd be so amazing if I had people in my life I could actually trust but I forever have these walls up because shit like this happens to people all the time.

Hope whatever's meant to be happens and may it be for the best but I'm NGL you just possibly scarred your partner for the rest of their existence. Things like this cause deep fissures in people's psyche and they will forever expect or be waiting for you or whoever comes next to go do some fuck shit again


whosmansisthis24 t1_j2cjj98 wrote

Yup same here...

Have had this happen and a few other similar things. I haven't trusted ANYONE entirely in about 8 years+

It sucks. Every relationship I've been in and every friend I make I just assume they will stab me in the back someday or I think about how anyone under certain circumstances will betray anyone.

It's a cold world once you see how at the end of the day you LEGIT only have your self.

The amount of people's partners who are reading this very message that are getting cheated on right this second is probably more than anyone could guess.

Remember treat your partner well and enjoy the good times but NEVER forget that it's unhealthy to place all your happiness within another person.


slimzimm t1_j2cl2p1 wrote

I know I’ll get downvotes for saying this but I really think the people of Reddit have a problem with saying things in absolutes. Maybe OP isn’t a terrible PERSON but OP did a terrible thing in that moment. If I do something idiotic, I don’t mind being told I did something stupid, but I really hate being called an idiot just because I did something wrong one time. OP you need to work through this, get counseling, end your current relationship, and learn from this bad experience.


seasamgo t1_j2cn6d2 wrote

I'm not going to downvote you. I get it and absolutes aren't always helpful. But this seemed deliberate and selfish, not just a slip and dumb. We may feel or be the best person on the inside but we're still terrible when we do terrible things. What's that quote from Dark Knight? "It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you." Doesn't mean they can't learn from it and work to be a better person, but damn.


Rionat t1_j2cogdy wrote

Stop lying. How the fuck did you forget you were in a committed relationship? Wake the fuck up and own that shit. You woke up and realized you made a mistake? No there were a series of purposeful actions that led you down this path and you chose, willingly, every single faulty step you took.


noimdaveman t1_j2cqbwk wrote

Man, you really buried the lede there lol


whywouldntyou22 t1_j2cup5f wrote

You “forgot” about your girlfriend like you went on vacation and she was a pair of socks that you left at home. Wtf? How do you magically forget you’re in a committed relationship?? 😭 I hope your girlfriend moves on; she deserves better.


Llamakhan t1_j2cv7ut wrote

Did your gf make you write this as public shame?


undulatee t1_j2cvsw6 wrote

That’s some real pain; hoping you’re doing better now.

I’ve been the fucker and the fuckee, neither are fun. Now I just focus on being kind to others as best I can. I’m not good at it. I still lose my temper and say shit I regret, but it feels better than serving myself.

I hear you though, I’m going through it now myself. Trauma never truly leaves you. Wishing you better days and a healthy life.


kakocastro t1_j2cw3ch wrote

I hope she dumps your cheating ass. You suddenly forgot you had a girlfriend? You didn’t. You made a choice. You chose to go to your ex’s house. You chose to stay there too long. You chose to get intimate. You chose to cheat. You are an horrible person and now you want to play the victim.


No_Quiet_2741 t1_j2cxvno wrote

Clearly you weren't ready for a relationship if your ex got you missing her again after you supposedly "moved on". Like yeah, people think of their exs but cheating? That's a real fck up, not by mistake


jamiecam1 t1_j2d1odr wrote

Pffft - you'd all do the same thing in a second. Don't come on here all high, mighty and judgey - say what you want, but 99% of guys in a "committed relationship" would do exactly what this guy's done.


GoogleWasMyIdea49 t1_j2dcccn wrote

Do your girlfriend a favor and break up with her, Jesus Christ.


No1_Nozits_Me t1_j2dcy9r wrote

When you convinced yourself to go over, not one thought was about your current girlfriend. I hope she realizes she deserves better.


GhostMug t1_j2dgbuk wrote

Yeah, the "remembered the good times we had" part was definitely him remembering all the sex and he doesn't go over there unless that's what he thinks will happen. He done fucked up.


samwise_thedog t1_j2do9hw wrote

Not gonna lie, I hope they come to their senses and dump you. What a scummy thing to do.


JakLynx t1_j2dr658 wrote

End the relationship with the current gf. 1 she deserves better. 2 the trust is gone and no matter what you do you’ll never get it back it’s always going to be in the back of her mind that you’ll step out on her again. Learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat the behavior but sorry to tell you you’ve dropped a nuke on your relationship and the radiation isn’t going away anytime soon.


sexylassy t1_j2dxxcx wrote

Right! A plot twist indeed. I was sitting here thinking "Oh, the ex-girlfriend called him to tell him it was mistake" or something like that, nope homeboy had a gf. He should break with with his current gf because if he had feelings for his ex, he wasn't even into the new girlfriend in the beginning.


Rdpsm t1_j2e9yk0 wrote

Your fuck up was confessing. Never, never, never do that.


whosmansisthis24 t1_j2egigg wrote

Thanks for the kindness! Nice to see some humanity. I have learned a lot about this place from all my trauma and have def been the stabber and the stabbed. I have never cheated on a partner ever but I've slept with girls in relationships. Even that kinda fucked me up. I was just young and horny but after the encounters were done id be just kind of grossed out. Like you can really sleep with someone and then answer your phone and tell your man how much you miss him and how much he means to you?

So yeah, I've done my dirt but I realized how much of a shit bag I was as soon as I did them. I would never sleep with someone in a relationship anymore.

The guarded part is really awful though. I mean, it's literally EVERY relationship in every form doesn't carry the weight it did when I was in my 20s. When I was younger (31 now) I used to hold my relationships way tighter with a "my girl has my back no matter what" and "my best friend would never fuck me over" but after watching how humans are I realize there's a VERY small percent of loyalty in this world.

I am stupid dumb fiercely loyal. I had a therapist after a certain incident tell me that I hold people to the same standards I hold myself too and not everyone is like me and that's just going to cause unhappiness and they are so right. I just have to face the cold hard facts that there's a good chance I'll never have somebody wether a partner or a friend who is as loyal as me. So I just work on loving myself more so instead.

Hope you doing good too and navigating this strange human experience with success!


GBmode t1_j2etg3a wrote

Yeah, You fucked up and learned the hard way.


HalfAMoustacheJellal t1_j2eub1u wrote

Still... How did u not think about your current s/o when ur ex hit u up? From what it seems, u haven't moved on and found a replacement. She don't deserve this, but at least u had the balls to be honest.

Live with this regret, you can do better. Good luck.