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Embarrassed-Bus-8591 t1_j26uf1h wrote

30M here, I can relate to what you’re going through. I had a colonoscopy at 25, due to seeing blood when I wiped. I occasionally get light amounts of blood in my stool, usually due to stress or diet. The good news is the colon cancer is very rare at your age, but it’s still good to get checked. My family has a history of colon cancer so I’m probably going to have another one before I’m 40.

How red was the blood? If the blood was very “blood” colored you may have just ruptured a hemorrhoid. If it looked more like a mixture of blood and feces, it may be more serious.

Also, be prepared to pay a hefty price for the colonoscopy if it turns out to be negative. They usually aren’t covered until you’re over 50.


Im_InYour_Balls OP t1_j26wxfa wrote

In Australia I think it’s 1500 to 2000. It’s only a couple weeks of pay so not too bad I guess


Embarrassed-Bus-8591 t1_j26ybah wrote

That’s not too bad. In US, it’s about that much. Ironically, if they find cancer, our insurance covers it, but if not, they won’t.