MSGRiley t1_j238zm7 wrote
First time?
Devittraisedto2 t1_j23918k wrote
This entire post reminded me of the coconut one
raz0rflea t1_j2392zr wrote
Not really, you'd think I would know better by now 😅
HokageJack15 t1_j239csr wrote
We wouldn’t have fleshlights without literacy
HokageJack15 t1_j239fuy wrote
Following in his footsteps 🫡
raz0rflea t1_j239gos wrote
People would just fuck a sponge in a pringles can, my brother in christ
MSGRiley t1_j239v7u wrote
Keeps happening to me too.
mitchum_12 t1_j23aeds wrote
Give it a few days. Let it air dry next time.
Ekh0es t1_j23astj wrote
That's kinky
lIlIlllIlIlll t1_j23atlo wrote
oh my god dont tell me someone fucked a coconut..
Devittraisedto2 t1_j23b09z wrote
oh it's way worse than that
NSFW warning, not because of him fucking a coconut, but because of what happened to the coconut
You have been warned
lIlIlllIlIlll t1_j23bv5i wrote
😂 no words, thnx for context
HokageJack15 t1_j23c821 wrote
I’m More worried about the state of my junk than that foul silicone beast
BlueCarrotPie t1_j23cing wrote
I thought you were going to say you realized someone else had used it and put it away dirty. So I see the mould as a minor issue by comparison
treehouse_of_doom t1_j23dkct wrote
“So I decided I’d fuck it one more time before I throw it out” 😂
treehouse_of_doom t1_j23drws wrote
Unless you and a couple buddies have been tag teaming it, it growing anything you can pass around later is pretty slim.
Mediocre-Ad-1283 t1_j23f1mz wrote
Jeez, what ever just happened to having a quick wank in a condom? Flush it you dirty dogs... Reddit=if you flush the condom the world will break.
Random_Guy_47 t1_j23gv3k wrote
Condoms won't flush.
Random_Guy_47 t1_j23gx59 wrote
You're supposed to dry it before you close it up.
Mediocre-Ad-1283 t1_j23h6fu wrote
Oh, they do, you gotta poke em with the big brush.
pauliewotsit t1_j23jmee wrote
Or wrap them in plenty of toilet roll
[deleted] OP t1_j23jmjt wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j23jrph wrote
iPod3G t1_j23lm1z wrote
Gives new meaning to the ChubbyEmu episode “a man drank questionable coconut water and this is what happened to his brain.”
Pugloaf420 t1_j23nkws wrote
Coconut fucker the 2nd?
shreyas_7112 t1_j23pgxm wrote
What a terrible day to be literate
andywalker76 t1_j23rfqm wrote
Important fleshlight user tip. Leave the lid off while it dries.
Jacktheforkie t1_j23uv05 wrote
Yeah, especially if it’s just water in there, silicone isn’t the best place for bacteria to grow
I_Frothingslosh t1_j240pfz wrote
New to reddit? This doesn't come close to the coconut.
NecrobyNerton t1_j241wi2 wrote
Oh no no no no thank you, that is NOT what I want to picture
knz156 t1_j243jzp wrote
Why didn't I heed the warning holy shit I couldn't even finish reading
VShadowOfLightV t1_j2463lf wrote
I read this entire story twice before I read fleshlight instead of flashlight. That makes way more sense now
duece1122 t1_j247gtg wrote
Daobitet t1_j247kl1 wrote
wont just throwing them into a trashcan be better💀?
Good_Smile t1_j247tcb wrote
Literally the first thing that popped in my mind, ain't got no free award for ya so here's a comment
pauliewotsit t1_j24923y wrote
Done that too, but only cos I didn't want to get caught lol
pickledcheeese t1_j249xhj wrote
unexpected last of us. make sure there’s no spores being being produced
shreyas_7112 t1_j24affr wrote
Oh I know the coconut, wish I didn't
Pr1ncesszuko t1_j24ajjk wrote
I mean he also cleaned it again before use, so I doubt there will be any problems at all.
super_senpai64 t1_j24auuk wrote
Holy shit balls, I thought I forgot that one
Low-Effort-Poster t1_j24c215 wrote
My dick retracted into me while reading that holy fuck
[deleted] OP t1_j24f0j8 wrote
DSEEE t1_j24fzq7 wrote
So not actually a fuck up, just did something that seems now like potentially a bad idea but no actual resulting negative effects to speak of?
Devittraisedto2 t1_j24mx0r wrote
High protein cocoNUT
raz0rflea t1_j238syn wrote
Literacy was a curse