Submitted by MemeForgery t3_zzsmbi in tifu

(changed all personal info except the capitalized US states) Maybe ya'll can hivemind help uwu?

Idk how big this fuck up REALLY is or would pan out to be. But my mother who I have irreparable problems with, enabled me to get my Florida driver's license a few weeks before my birthday 5 years ago. I joined the military in 2018, didn't update that with the DMV. I got discharged last year. I have been all over the country, living in colorado for around a year and a half. I have now been in Wyoming for 3 months. Never updating or knowing I had to update my address because she could be more responsible with her children. (my fault at this point for not educating myself) I'm a classic goodie goodie nerd, so I'm not in trouble.... but I think because the government doesn't know so they can't fuck me for this. My car is registered in California, idk how I can update that too.


My current plan is to go to the DMV on monday to get a Wyoming driver's license then revoke the Florida one or whatever. I can't update my Florida license because it's not a Florida address. For the California registration, I completed a DMV 14 form from PDF and mailed to them. If they're like WTF I want to be straight up with them because I'm that dude. Hopefully whatever judge would help me out for my honesty if there is a problem.


TLDR: I haven't updated any status of my driver's license for 5ish years and idk if Imma get fucked for it.



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majesticjules t1_j2dc5nv wrote

Just show up at the DMV with 2 proofs of address with your wyoming address and proof of citizenship. Passport ir birth certificate. Ask while you are there if they do car registrations. If the don't than your city hall will. They can transfer your registration and get you wyoming plates. Edited to add, Monday is an observed holiday, wait until Tuesday.


Nannon4285 t1_j2ddjx1 wrote

It's really not a big deal aa far as I know. You typically have 3 to 6 months when you move to update all of your stuff. If you didn't know, there isn't a penalty or anything for it. You just go to DMV and get it all taken care of. Ask them what your next step should be about your car.


sPAARtan94 t1_j2dmz07 wrote

DMV dmv dosent give a sh*t Go in there to transfer you're Florida license to Wyoming and transfer you're car registration, you'll pay the fees for a new ID and registration and be all good, if there is any issue with any of it being in different states than you're discharge papers will clear all of that up with no issue, and there is no reason to be worried about it unless you owe any state money for back taxes or registration fees but Wyoming won't care because they aren't the ones getting the money (Sorry for the bad grammer)


OkVolume1 t1_j2do61k wrote

The real FU is you thinking we're gonna fall for this. Everyone knows Wyoming isn't real.


AdministrationLow960 t1_j2e45lz wrote

Wyoming resident. Bringing a vehicle in from another state you will need to schedule an inspection for the first-time registration. Check with your DMV to schedule a time. You're not in trouble, but you do need to get everything updated.


[deleted] t1_j2eu5o7 wrote

I've moved states more times than I can count. This is NO big deal. I promise. The biggest possible fuckup here would be if you'd wrecked your car with out of state insurance, in which case they wouldn't pay up if they figured out your car was insured in the wrong state.

(Also: make sure you change your insurance to your new state before you go in to the dmv. Your rate will change and you may owe).

You will not be fined. You will be able to get a new ID. Make sure you bring alllllllllllllll the documentation (read the state's dmv website) and money for all costs in whatever forms of payment they accept.