Submitted by PassengerNumerous607 t3_ztcsou in tifu
plaaplaaplaaplaa t1_j1d9kc1 wrote
Reply to comment by santac45 in TIFU by sleeping with a friend. And I mean just sleeping by PassengerNumerous607
Even though you think that boundaries were not crossed the story doesn’t say so. If they both feel like they need to talk about it then it is clear that some boundary was crossed.
Often it is easier to think about this when you reverse roles, most people have gender bias. So a woman woke up at morning having her co-worker in her bed cudling her and she doesn’t even remember inviting him to the bed. Does it now sound like boundary crossing for you?
Reddit-username_here t1_j1dfl19 wrote
>So a woman woke up at morning having her co-worker and really close friend in her bed cudling her after a night full of consensual flirting and touching and she doesn’t even remember inviting him to the bed
No. No boundaries were crossed.
PassengerNumerous607 OP t1_j1dkdzl wrote
If the roles were reversed, I’d feel like a boundary was crossed, I think that’s probably why I’m a bit freaked out and feeling guilty
Reddit-username_here t1_j1dm4bd wrote
No boundaries were crossed either way. No one was raped. Just two drunk friends of different sexes doing what drunk people of different sexes have been doing for millennia.
plaaplaaplaaplaa t1_j1dmjfg wrote
You have very weird thoughts about boundaries? No rape? Ah, so fondling the boobs is also not crossing boundaries with your fucking logic..
Edit: Definition of a boundary is that someones personal space was violated in a way he/she was not concenting.
Reddit-username_here t1_j1drdqf wrote
No it wouldn't have been. They were rubbing on each other all night and it seems she would've been receptive to some boob fondling.
plaaplaaplaaplaa t1_j1dvth9 wrote
Gender bias is strong with this one. This man’s space was clearly violated even if you read the whole story. You need to understand that the story in itself clearly shows that he felt uncomfortable. Probably no damage was done and they may end up together. But do not think that there was no crossings of boundaries here.
PassengerNumerous607 OP t1_j1dyz0u wrote
You guys are at either end of the spectrum. There is fluidity with physical touch when it comes to consent, it’s part of the reason I posted this. I can’t figure my way out of the gray area. The OG commenter was right in that it seemed relatively mutual at surface level, you’re right in that there is a gender bias and the comment section may be different if roles were reversed.
[deleted] t1_j1dxv83 wrote
Noidremained t1_j1dq1i4 wrote
you can feel like your boundaries were crossed even though you were less drunk than him
drdickemdown11 t1_j1dl8on wrote
You should re read the story
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