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PassengerNumerous607 OP t1_j1f71sk wrote

So I’m not doing that shit when I’m in a relationship, this is a close friend and I don’t know if that’s how I am as a person or of the area I live in, but pretty common for us, like my boss is one of my closest friends, I know his wife and kid, I take care of his dogs, he let me his truck for vacation and like I spent holidays with them, same goes for my other best friend and the only reason I haven’t met his family is because they live in Florida. There are very few people in a few circumstances where I would share a bed with them but they come up, i’ve never had many girlfriends but when I do this is a commonality so I’m not treating my opposite gender friends any different, the situation is a little unique though because there’s obviously something weird going on here


gem_city t1_j1f7oya wrote

Right right to each their own I’m not trying to make you feel bad or anything. I personally just don’t know how I would receive this as a potential boyfriend. Maybe I should be more open minded idk but just seems like I would have chose couch or floor before sharing a bed with the opposite gender. Either way, yes there is something odd going on and it seems like a time will tell situation.


PassengerNumerous607 OP t1_j1fd1m2 wrote

Yeah no you’re absolutely right, it does make dating new people a little bit weird because all my friends are men. However, usually I will stay on the couch, only in certain circumstances will I not. For example, when my friend moved in with new roommates, a bunch of people sit over after a party on the couch and I didn’t feel comfortable with sleeping with strangers, so we made a pillow wall and I slept in my friends bed for his offer.

Honestly the more I analyze the situation, the more I realize that somethings amiss, the more we all got goofy and drunk with his family, more touchy he was in the more flirty we were and he was definitely getting close to my face while talking to me, I think drunk me got the offer to watch a movie in his bed which is much more common amongst friends, and when the offer came that I could stay in the bed I was like sure


gem_city t1_j1fejuf wrote

Sounds like you need to figure out what you want at this point. I read you just got through a breakup, I’m in a similar situation and I don’t think I’m mentally or physically prepared to give my all to someone. But fuck it sucks being alone.


PassengerNumerous607 OP t1_j1ffbnh wrote

I feel you, let’s break up as one of the few times in my life I did feel lonely and god what a terrible feeling, specially shitty if you’re used to being alone most times like usually I love my independence but God does it suck after a break up and that’s the first thing I think about when I get to a relationship like God if this doesn’t work out it’s gonna suck so bad


gem_city t1_j1fgsum wrote

Yeah I spent wayyy too much time with my ex daily that just existing after that sucked for a while. And I think for guys it gets worse exponentially before it gets better. I feel you, I don’t think I can handle another breakup. The next one better be my wife