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t1_j60oa0s wrote

If you learn one lesson from this, it should be that you should let it drop the first time they say something that effectively means, "No." If you don't learn that lesson, you'll be getting off lightly if the worst that happens is that you lose friends over it.


OP t1_j66ghzo wrote

The hardest part is figuring out what does and doesn't mean no.

I am doing my best to learn.

Got any tips?


t1_j67pj0y wrote

no means no. You’re not going to lose friends by listening when they say no


t1_j698d3a wrote

This. Also, I'll bet it's a lot easier to have the "I can't believe you missed my signals!" Conversation if that side ever happens, than it is to explain to the police why you thought the "no" wasn't real.