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HighwayApothecary t1_j6idth4 wrote

Uh, one hand to spread and the other to reach up in there.

Tbh I think I may have been a little bit tipsy when it happened and not being as anxious as I would have been sober (beyond the initial 'oh shit' realization) helped.

I was definitely waaay more anxious the first (and only) time I used a tampon as a teenager. I didn't have to go to the hospital then, but I did almost pass out next to the toilet when I tried to take the tampon out.


Cherry___Popper OP t1_j6ie9jv wrote

I once didn't notice that the tampon string was in the applicator and not hanging out so it went with the tampon inside me and I had to fish it out and I was freaking out and almost passed out from that, so you can imagine what I went through when an entire device was stuck inside me.

I genuinely tried everything but it was way too far up there, it took the doctor quite a while to get it out, she looked more scared than I was!