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m-in t1_j5glyzw wrote

Really? Me & my wife use the pine oil version regularly with no ill effects. Is the tea tree oil that much worse?


YazZy_4 t1_j5gxe34 wrote

tea tree oil just doesnt mix with sensitive areas, period. it'll melt skin if you have it on a makeup removal pad or something and leave it for long enough (a very scorched earth way of getting rid of a zit)


m-in t1_j5h0016 wrote

TIL. Thank you! Pine it is for us then.


myunqusrnm t1_j5h0fgj wrote

I don't know about one. I just know I made the error once. Only once.


m-in t1_j5h4nr6 wrote

I think the takeaway is that tea tree oil is not nether-compatible. TIL!