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1HATEMYS3LF OP t1_j60sjos wrote

I bet he is just scared I will get addicted lol, and my brother isn’t related to my dad, only my mom, so he really doesn’t give a crap about what he is doing now.


Malevolent_Mangoes t1_j60wdk0 wrote

Weed is not addictive.


1HATEMYS3LF OP t1_j62worc wrote

I found this article that says otherwise.


Malevolent_Mangoes t1_j63kfrv wrote

That’s the habit of smoking it, not the substance itself.


1HATEMYS3LF OP t1_j642y6n wrote

I cant really argue since there will never be an outcome, he just doesn't want me hooked on drugs, or something like that.


Malevolent_Mangoes t1_j64544o wrote

Tell him he’s the bad influence here because he’s the one doing drugs and is the parent. He’s supposed to be a role model.