Submitted by 1HATEMYS3LF t3_10lqq3q in tifu

My dad (48) and my brother (18) both smoke weed, I don’t, and I don’t really mind it, and sometimes even happy when they do since then they are so much more nice, but the part where my dad thinks I am a stoner.

I am insecure about how I smell and look, so when my dad went to a different country to assist my grandfather I asked him to buy me strong perfume, I never have asked for some perfume, and that’s one reason he believes I am a stoner, the second reason is that I buy a lot of mints, specifically smint 2 hours one and the 2 hour one is really strong, the third is because I have started to go out with my friends to hang out, I haven’t done that in years, and my friends are anti-drugs type of friends, the fourth reason is because weed was found on the school grounds and a message was sent to every parent that weed had been found on the school grounds.

And now my dad constantly talks to me about weed and I should not smoke it, and when I go to hang out with friends he asks if I am really going to their house, he even talked about getting me tested, but I don’t find this strange, weird, and annoying, I think this is funny, I don’t smoke weed.

TL:DR my dad thinks I smoke weed because I do stuff that stoners would do.



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Malevolent_Mangoes t1_j5yi7q3 wrote

If your brother and dad both smoke then why is he over here overreacting and talking about you getting tested? Seems like bizarre behavior.


MissionCrab6342 t1_j5yk3f0 wrote

Typical adict adult parent, i have an uncle that always drinks at all times possible in front of us (some of my cousins are like 9) and he's always talking about how it ruins your life and we shouldn't ever do it at any means. Then he just chugs beer afterwards.


Ryansahl t1_j60jo3e wrote

Perhaps OP is under age and dad is just concerned about his brain not being formed fully. I’d like to point out that weed is no way as addictive or harmful as alcohol. Not even comparable, but I get your comment about your uncle. Alcoholics are the greatest deniers.