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tr14l t1_j5tlrl2 wrote

Ok, being a dick about stuff is probably the right approach for results. You're right. I see people being badgered changing all the time.


thrwayhairbortion t1_j5tm0bo wrote

It's weird that you're trying to pretend there's an end goal here now because that's the only thing suiting your argument.

It's not my job to try and make racist people change. It's not my obligation or responsibility and it's incredibly racist and sexist of you to suggest otherwise.

Why do you care more about the feelings of the racist than the victims?


tr14l t1_j5tmipc wrote

I'm not comparing the worth of humans her. But I'm going to go ahead and disengage with you because you're clearly hurt and wanting others to feel the same. Have a good day, i hope you feel better


thrwayhairbortion t1_j5tmov7 wrote

Oh I am.

Racists are worth less. The fact that you're trying to argue for racism is absolutely absurd since you're trying to take the moral high route.


JAT619 t1_j5uqjsp wrote

Goddamn your moral superiority is gross, just shut up already


thrwayhairbortion t1_j5utmnk wrote

Ah yes, ignoring it when it's inconvenient.


JAT619 t1_j5uu8rl wrote

No, no, let’s not get this twisted, I’m just saying yours is gross. Take a look around the comments to see if you can find someone with a higher horse. I’ll give you a cookie if you can.


thrwayhairbortion t1_j5uuekc wrote

So what if I'm on a high horse?

What does that have to do with the point?