Submitted by trying_productive t3_10kpww5 in tifu
Submitted by trying_productive t3_10kpww5 in tifu
A lot of people are born, live their entire life, and die without ever going more than a few miles from where they started.
Travel is a luxury and you will see beautiful landscapes and meet wonderful explorers from all over the world on your trip.
I'm sorry you had a bad experience with Japanese but try not to generalize, most Japanese are very polite.
If you go with an open mind and try to be thankful for the experience you will have a great time!
Wait, it's a cruise to Japan. How much time is actually in Japan versus on the ship?
But also, you have some unresolved issues that are causing you to apply a blanket attitude to a whole race of people. Have you ever tried working through that?
Not a tifu. A lot of Japanese people feel the same way.
>and die without ever going more than a few miles from where they started.
One 2 separate occasions last year I heard about people (Gang members) living in LA that have never seen the ocean in their 20+ years of life. It's like 20kms and they've never been and likely won't. Many of them won't go more than a few blocks from their homes.
Trauma isn't the same as racism. Prejudice, certainly.
But yeah, OP needs to get to therapy or something. I understand trauma, but allowing yourself to shun an entire people is not a healthy response.
This reminds me of a conversation I had with my grandpa after him and my grandma bought their first Toyota. He said to me “I never wanted to buy a Japanese car because they killed so many of my friends in the war (he was in the US Navy in WWII) but this Prius is a pretty good car!”
His policy was to trade in his car and purchase a new one every two years and from that day til the day he died (about 10-15 years later) they always had a Toyota or a Nissan. If he can get over the combat racism that held onto him for half a century I think there’s hope for you.
As someone who has a hard time being flexible - find something that excites you about the trip (amenities on the ship etc) and focus on that. Anything you experience about Japanese culture that has a option to have a guide or instructor you should take them up on - you will be more likely to have a positive experience (and it will make it harder to back out of the activity).
Why do you hate the Japanese? Also who says no to a free trip?
Just to be clear - racism is when you take an experience with one or a few people who happen to be of a particular race and extrapolate it to everyone of that race. As such, technically it sounds like you are being racist. Do you have a reason to believe that some random person in Japan who you have never met will behave as badly as the people who hurt you?
I lived in Japan as a kid for a couple years and this blows my mind. Everyone I interacted with in Japan was really nice. I never got treated like a stupid American when asking for assistance. It was the opposite. People went out of their way to be helpful.
Can you provide more details to what happened that you hate an entire country enough not to visit? Like were the people you interacted with Japanese or Japanese Americans? I went to high school with some kids of of varying nationalities who were totally asshats, but I would never judge their heritage based on their behavior. There are bad people in every culture.
Trauma isn't an excuse for racism, prejudice, or xenophobia.
Ofcourse. There are plenty of black people who are racist af, just like any other. And just like any other, they should be ashamed of that and work on it. Anyone who demand special treatment for the color of their skin should be shamed.
Not liking an entire race=bad.
Not wanting to travel.. that’s a big expensive ticket to do something you don’t want to do. Tell her to invite a best friend.
Being scared because of experience and association is a normal, human response. Not working through that with a professional is an immature one. Better qualifies as racism.
No, being scared of an entire country of people because of some unspecified trauma that isn't WWII isn't a normal human response.
It's the response of someone justifying racism.
Maybe you should read the OPs comments before you defend them.
You have no idea what the trauma was. For all you know they were held and tortured by the Yakuza for ten years. When you lack information, compassionate accountability is a great approach
Considering they're a teenager who has never left the country, no, they weren't.
We have a LOT of information suggesting OP is just a terrible person, including their comment that it was okay to mock a disabled child because the mother "should've given it up."
We actually have quite a bit of information suggesting OP is just, in fact, a terrible person.
And btw, condoning and supporting racism isn't compassion. It's enabling.
I said it was bad and they needed therapy. The difference is my approach they might take seriously, your approach they will just defend and justify. You're the one enabling.
Lol, what? No, they won't.
There's ZERO evidence that a stranger on Reddit reading this will take you seriously, particularly when they don't think they're doing anything wrong.
Second, I don't have an obligation to make the OP a better person, because guess what?
I'm more concerned with the victims of racism reading this than I am with OPs little racist feelings that you keep trying to justify.
Ok, being a dick about stuff is probably the right approach for results. You're right. I see people being badgered changing all the time.
Would I say "you have some unresolved issues that are causing you to apply a blanket attitude to a whole race of people. Have you ever tried working through that?" to a black person?
Sure, the OP's race has very little to do with my comment. I didn't assume the OP's race at all. I might adjust my comment if OP were also Japanese, but I don't see how my comment was otherwise unable to be applied to all races.
It's weird that you're trying to pretend there's an end goal here now because that's the only thing suiting your argument.
It's not my job to try and make racist people change. It's not my obligation or responsibility and it's incredibly racist and sexist of you to suggest otherwise.
Why do you care more about the feelings of the racist than the victims?
I'm not comparing the worth of humans her. But I'm going to go ahead and disengage with you because you're clearly hurt and wanting others to feel the same. Have a good day, i hope you feel better
Oh I am.
Racists are worth less. The fact that you're trying to argue for racism is absolutely absurd since you're trying to take the moral high route.
Because you're a Xenophobe?
As a Korean where my family was directly impacted by the imperial Japanese, I have a lot of animosity towards them. What they did was atrocious, but what’s done is done. But what I resent more is that they refuse to own up to everything and admit their war crimes. I have no interest in ever going to Japan. But if I had a free trip offered, I’d still go.
What's this bad experience with Japanease people? Seems odd
They aren' the only ones and fuck all of them who won't admit their war crimes and committed atrocities and atone.
Goddamn your moral superiority is gross, just shut up already
Ah yes, ignoring it when it's inconvenient.
No, no, let’s not get this twisted, I’m just saying yours is gross. Take a look around the comments to see if you can find someone with a higher horse. I’ll give you a cookie if you can.
So what if I'm on a high horse?
What does that have to do with the point?
December 7 1941!
[deleted] t1_j5s6093 wrote