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fliguana t1_j6khxoy wrote

The trap worked exactly as it was supposed to. Separate tourists from the money without violence.

I think the same would happen with Americans in 2012.

There were a couple of these honeypot places in Miami, operating in plain view.


embarrassediasked OP t1_j6kk9ns wrote

Yep, lesson learned.

Same thing happened again to me when I visited India with a Chinese Bombshell, she tried to drug me but luckily I was smart enough not to go along with it.


fliguana t1_j6kktrd wrote

Hey, at least you didn't get an STD.


embarrassediasked OP t1_j6kl4i9 wrote

You know what I have never even considered that as a consequence. I know I'm clean but that is something that just shook me right now.