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Mangledpork t1_j34gbw6 wrote

A dose of benadryl appears to be a teaspoon or so, however much you were pouring, it must have been massively over that to make a noticeable difference to how full the bottle was.


starry_nightz_ OP t1_j350pbe wrote

My roommate said I must have poured tablespoons. I didn't know there was a difference.


Inertiaraptor t1_j35kkz8 wrote

Hey, sorry everybody here is jumping your shit. You made a mistake. I read your previous post. You’ve missed some things while some heavy shit was going on, so first of all, be nice to yourself. What you need to do is embrace asking questions via google, and if the first one is Benadryl, then make the second search complex ptsd. Read everything you can. You will learn so much about yourself.

Also, you need to reassure your room mate that you’re going to be ok. She’s taken a hell of a gamble, and she’s rightly afraid. Don’t let your fear and anxiety ruin this. Be honest and ask her for more help with little things. She knows your story, it will make her feel better.

Also, stop beating yourself up. Life is hard, it’s different for everybody, and I know doctors who couldn’t live a day like you. Stop saying you’re stupid. To yourself, to others. I’m old now, and I promise 18 and 26 can be the same thing. Get your GED and explore the world cautiously as you get used to being safe.