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Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6anjon wrote

It was a tech school so definitely a disproportionately high population of Reddit users. And people definitely saw because a friend told me they heard someone talk about it at a frat party. If this post somehow blows up I bet at least 1 person recognizes the story


Space_Shep t1_j6c70mz wrote

Just be happy that (as far as you know) nobody took a video.


Portsmythe_Higgins t1_j6d9pis wrote

Was this tech school RIT?


shrodingersSphincter t1_j6dcig7 wrote

Likely not, OP stated this was their sophomore year and they were in a dorm, which is extremely unusual for RIT unless you're in one of the specialty groups.

Also, I'm struggling to remember any dorm at RIT with a prominent handrail outside and there isn't a prominent bridge except for the one by SAU which would be so quiet at night, nobody would know if you walked across it naked.