Fair-Ninja7691 t1_j6m6b74 wrote
Tbh, this is neglect and psychological abuse. Instead of trying to get revenge, go to your school counselor or another teacher you trust. Tell them the story, and get the help you deserve. This is an awful situation and instead of trying to fight back, spare that energy and take care of yourself and your sister. Fighting back sounds great and people love revenge (me included), but you won’t get anything out of it. It’s clear that your mother and stepdad will make your life (and your sisters’) even harder after that. It’s just not worth it. What IS worth it though, is making sure you are going to be okay. In 5 years, you probably won’t be speaking to them (even if you can’t imagine it right now, you will grow up and realize your life will never be great with them in it). Hiding his controller won’t make you feel better in 5 years. Taking care of yourself and being proud to look back at how you took care of it with the help of a trusted adult, will make you happier.
xDrxGinaMuncher t1_j6mdvsw wrote
Wish I could give gold to boost this, because while I understand everyone else's emotional responses, realistically there's next to nothing a kid can do when their parents are like this other than hope they can find a mandatory reporting trustworthy adult (generally: teacher, school counselors), and that some sort of good comes from that. Maybe they can find a friend to crash with to get out earlier, but that's a hard ask.
Doing the same as the parents/brother goes against OP's morals. It sounds like retaliation in any form against the brother would be somewhat futile, as they're "parents precious spoiled baby" and if found would likely result in even worse treatment. Hiding the controllers is mild, but that's $60 a pop, if they wind up hiding those every few days to every week, someone's going to catch on. No one has a place to store 50+ controllers, and unless their parents are rich rich, I doubt they'll be okay with constantly pissing away that money every week, even if it is for "their little angel."
Maybe the school would come up with a small fund raiser to help them go where they were saving for, or maybe it'd start a chain to get an actual loving family member custody. Or maybe it'd do nothing. But it's leaps and bounds better than purposely poking the bear, and hoping it doesn't lash out worse than it's already been doing.
kyzurale t1_j6ms20t wrote
I wouldn’t go so far as to hide the controllers, I would start donating them to a local youth organization.
xDrxGinaMuncher t1_j6mtt0a wrote
Yeah, I feel like that'd be a way better way to do that. But at that point it's actually stealing. Where what OP plans to do is technically borrowing them, because they plan to return them eventually, just all at once, when they leave. So donating them would probably be out of the question to them due to their own morals.
ElDuderino4ever t1_j6ml3wo wrote
OP, this is your answer.
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