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LacidOnex t1_j8pyopb wrote


xygge t1_j8qh4mv wrote

>Why can't we have stronger libel laws?

The price you pay for stronger libel laws is the dampening of speech and a greater possibility that the rich/powerful will be able to just shut down speech they don't like.


GreatArchitect t1_j8vjknj wrote

Yep, I live in a country with strong libel laws. Politicians use it to shut people up all the time.


GoGaslightYerself t1_j8reg1l wrote

Speech is bad! Words are hurtful! Somebody please protect us from all these terrifying IDEAS!!!


corrado33 t1_j8rkwro wrote

> FALSE Speech is bad! FALSE Words are hurtful! Somebody please protect us from all these terrifying UNTRUE IDEAS!!!

Fixed it for you.


GoGaslightYerself t1_j8roan2 wrote

And...who's gonna be the arbiter of what "truth" is "allowed" to see the light of day? LOL

Allow me to hazard a wild guess: You?

The intolerant censors, speech police and self-appointed magistrates of the Ministry of Truth in today's Left are the McCarthyites of the 21st century. Let us know how that works out for you.


RockySterling t1_j8rstqb wrote

My guy, the Florida government is LITERALLY banning the teaching of most of black history and getting the curriculum changed nationwide, AND prevents teachers from acknowledging same-sex families, AND a ton of states literally prevent you from advocating for boycotts of Israel. Tell me again how pronouns or whatever are the biggest threat facing society


GoGaslightYerself t1_j8rxo22 wrote

> Tell me again how pronouns or whatever are the biggest threat facing society

Nice straw man, LOL.

As for what they teach in schools, that's state-sponsored speech. It's paid for by taxpayers, so taxpayers and parents ought to have a say in what their kids are being indoctrinated with, yes?

What if the shoe were on the other foot, and a bunch of right-wingers were indoctrinating kids in schools? Would you be such a fearlessly principled advocate of allowing them to tell your kids whatever they want?

Censoring/suppressing what ordinary people want to say -- on the Internet or anywhere else -- is completely different from state-sponsored, taxpayer-funded speech in schools, particularly when it's the state that's doing the suppressing/censoring of speech by ordinary citizens. But nice try.


assjackal t1_j8s17ve wrote

>What if the shoe were on the other foot, and a bunch of right-wingers were indoctrinating kids in schools?

That's literally what is happening right now you fucking muppet.

Signed, someone currently standing on Florida soil.


RockySterling t1_j8skli8 wrote

My guy, I had abstinence-only sex ed in high school. My teacher literally held up a poster board that said "Abstinence." Did your brain only start forming memories in the last 10 years?


GoGaslightYerself t1_j8snww4 wrote

You forgot to capitalize LITERALLY, junior.

(Do the CAPS mean it's figuratively LITERAL, or LITERALLY figurative? And why does LITERALLY every post have to include "LITERALLY"? It's almost as amazing as, well, AMAZING.)


BLAZEtms t1_j8ru1xv wrote

Sorry, which side is openly against womens rights, trans rights and both parties ability to have their voice heard fairly?

We dont want A truth. We want THE truth on the scientific, political and social matters we deal with that are highly misrepresented by the media a.k.a the trans rights arguments happening in the UK right now.

Not everyone who's on the right is homophobic/transphobic, but everyone who votes right in this age supports a hateful ideology against these groups whether they agree with it or not. Because you would be voting for politicians who act in bad faith for their own benefit and to stir up hatred.

If you dont want to move forward with the progress of humanity then you will be left behind

Why does marginalised groups having a bigger voice damage your freedom of speech? They were never your enemy, the rich fucks in your pockets pointing at these groups for "stealing your wallet" are the enemy.


CanadianGurlfren t1_j8qbmtp wrote

Maybe, maybe not. Can you fucking prove it will?


LacidOnex t1_j8qc4nc wrote

Yes, but to prove it you'll have to let me cram an entire grapefruit into tucker Carlson's mouth.


CanadianGurlfren t1_j8qckw1 wrote

I used to eat grapefruit with a spoon. Not anymore, now strangers shove whole grapefruits in my mouth. What's going on? What happened to our country?