OftheSorrowfulFace t1_j9rx1bu wrote
The point being that a feather wasn't 'macaroni', so it's basically saying 'this guy was so dumb he thought a feather he found on the floor was high fashion'.
UnimpressedWithAll t1_j9sgrvg wrote
Isn’t it just that eras version of “pretty fly for a white guy”
TWiesengrund t1_j9t0hre wrote
And all the dames say I'm pretty maccaroni for a war of independence guy!
PepeHacker t1_j9tajpa wrote
Give it to me Yankee uh huh uh huh Give it to me Yankee uh huh uh huh Give it to me Yankee uh huh uh huh And all the girlies say I'm pretty fly for a white guy…
[deleted] t1_j9st8jb wrote
DAHFreedom t1_j9v2kg6 wrote
The original Dark Brandon
Thrilling1031 t1_j9trnvx wrote
Macaroni was from the rich dudes going to Italy and being super impressed by everything, especially pasta and MACARONI, wanting to be cool the wealthy from England appropriated the word as they do, and then used their silly word to make a silly song about the colonialist, who loved the song and made it their fuckin anthem. Full circle appropriation.
BadLuckKupona t1_j9rxogd wrote
Not sure why this whooshing over everyone's head.
dotnetdotcom t1_j9tnyq8 wrote
"Doodle" meant something like goofy. It's also where "dude" came from. "Dandy" meant a poof or fancypants.
Phillyredsox t1_j9vgl6h wrote
We use “doodle” instead of penis in my house.
SensualSalami t1_j9vzvex wrote
yank ye doodle, dandy
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