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reddit455 t1_j9aw5ya wrote

we aim for this one.


The spacecraft cemetery, known more formally as the South Pacific Ocean(ic) Uninhabited Area,[1][2] is a region in the southern Pacific Ocean east of New Zealand,[3] where spacecraft that have reached the end of their usefulness are routinely crashed. The area is roughly centered on "Point Nemo", the oceanic pole of inaccessibility, the location farthest from any land.[1]


samfreez t1_j9awtnb wrote

There are a TON of weird and interesting wrecks along those shores. The amount of massive trees that wash up as driftwood is also something that boggles the mind.

That part of the coast suffers from some pretty heavy winds, rains, surges and waves, and is also some of the rockiest coastline you'll find in the world. That combination makes it hell for ships (specifically older ones that needed to remain close to shore), so it's no wonder the place has earned that nickname.

Still great fun to explore, however, and I highly recommend everyone do it if they can. Sunsets from anywhere along there are simply magical.


sushipusha t1_j9axryp wrote

With a name like that you'd think no one would sail there


EarlyDopeFirefighter t1_j9azilq wrote

Not surprised. That stretch of coastline is visually chaotic as well. The water always looks like it’s constantly in a blender or washing machine. Reminds you the power of the ocean.


BigNikiStyle t1_j9b3wny wrote

The West Coast Trail, if I’m not mistaken, was originally made by survivors of shipwrecks trying to find their way back to civilization.

I hiked it 20 years ago and particularly noteworthy shipwrecks are on the map you get at the start.


CletusDSpuckler t1_j9bdbyp wrote

My next door neighbor died outside Tillamook bay when his small boat capsized.


Mister_Way t1_j9bvo8d wrote

Wow, shipwrecks really have a low mortality rate, considering.


cheesefondue t1_j9bxqoy wrote

How do 2000 ships wreck, killing only 700 people


substantial-freud t1_j9c0hs6 wrote

That’s a really good ratio. I would have thought the average shipwreck caused at least one fatality.


FSchmertz t1_j9co6cw wrote

It's interesting that there's also place on the East coast, around the Hatteras Barrier Islands/Outer Banks area of North Carolina, that's known as the Graveyard of the Atlantic.

>More than 5,000 ships have sunk in these waters since record-keeping began in 1526


groovy604 t1_j9dbpq6 wrote

Thats also ground zero for the tsunami that will occur during the next major Cascadia earthquake