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dariamorgandorfferr t1_j9wn4s1 wrote

I think about this a lot especially with bed bugs. They're an interesting example in ecology because the species of bed bugs we know of .. only parasitizes humans. Unlike mosquitoes, they play 0 role in natural ecosystems, they're fully obligate humanivores. We could fully eradicate bed bugs with no negative consequences to mother nature. Science get on this lol


CrazedClown101 t1_j9wreex wrote

We tried but we kept killing the eagles.


bloodmonarch t1_j9wwfzc wrote

The eagle killing will continue until bedbugs is extinct.


ItsPhayded420 t1_j9xd2jv wrote

Did/does lice not exist for animals ? Genuine question, I've never thought to ask. I know fleas etc. My point being we would have been wearing animal skin/fur and it seems natural for the lice to migrate to us.

Also, fuck bedbugs dude I'd rather have mosquitos, had one experience and I'm still traumatized I will sleep outside fuck those things


SirRuto t1_j9xee4a wrote

I think I recall every animal species having its own species of mite, sometimes multiple, not too sure about lice but I wouldn't be surprised.


Exoddity t1_j9xrcwl wrote

There are lice that have their own lice and fleas that have their own fleas.


bloodmonarch t1_j9xiigq wrote

what are you waiting for then? the eagles aren't going to kill themselves, you know.


TheMusketDood t1_j9xk2ny wrote

Well the Chiefs already did that so we should be good now.


iamwizzerd t1_j9xh6nm wrote

Wait really?


p-d-ball t1_j9xqvt0 wrote

Yeah, DDT was widely used to kill insects. It successfully got rid of malaria in the continental USA to Canada (malaria used to be all the way up to southern Canada), combined with draining swamps, pavement and sewer systems (to drain water away). Mosquitoes returned, but not with malaria, which requires a minimum population to spread.

DDT was also used to stop bedbugs. They are making a comeback partly because it was stopped, but probably also because of growing social inequality - extremely poor people just don't have the means to kill them where they live. And some people are immune to the itchiness and so aren't motivated enough to kill the bedbugs feeding off them.

DDT, it turns out, weakens bird's eggs. So, raptors were dying out all over the place.


iamwizzerd t1_j9xs98v wrote

Wow thanks


p-d-ball t1_j9xupj9 wrote

For sure! Want to hear the crazy part? We used to use a product made from chrysanthemum, which is a flower, to kill insects. Massive industry, made in Japan. That industry collapsed with WWII and never recovered, partly because DDT was so cheap.

That kind of sucks, as the flower was obviously natural.


iamwizzerd t1_j9xwu73 wrote

Dang this is just a whole rabbit hole isn't it?


p-d-ball t1_j9y4sku wrote


^(I'm joking for the sensitive bankers out there.)