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jerry_03 t1_j7ab6sh wrote

Native Hawaiian here. Ethnically and culturally we are considered Polynesian (or Pacific Islander, which includes other ethnic groups from the Pacific/Oceania besides Polynesians).

Its estimated theres about 5,000 pure blood Native Hawaiians left, out of an estimated 300,000 mixed-race Native Hawaiian population.

Native Hawaiians are not federally recognized as being a Native American tribe, there were efforts in the past to do so, but it was shot down in congress.

We do indeed have a State administered "Office of Hawaiian Affairs" (OHA). and in regards to the tidbit about reservations, we do not have reservations either. Or corporations like the Alaskan natives. We do have whats called "Hawaiian Homelands" which is basically just parcels of land strewn through out our islands that are reserved for Native Hawaiians to (originally) homestead on. Now much of it is regular residential housing. Theres a whole controversy about it but i wont get into it here.

And we dont have a "quantum" thing based on tribal membership, because well, Native Hawaiians dont have tribes. If you can trace your lineage to the Native peoples who lived in Hawaii prior to Western contact (1788 A.D.) you are considered Native Hawaiian. However there is a 50% blood quantum requirement to receive a parcel of land via Hawaiian Homelands.


Archberdmans t1_j7dgpy9 wrote

As a native Hawaiian, would you say the majority of Hawaiians are for federal recognition? I know that there are natives who are against it and are for succession but I’m just not sure that’s realistic



jerry_03 t1_j7jsul8 wrote

I couldnt say how much are for or against it. But I do know that there are some who are against it because getting federal recognition would legitimize US overthrow of the former Monarchy/Kingdom in 1893 and annexation in 1898. There are some who still hold out and think it can be reversed by future US or international law. I personally dont think that would ever happen